Page 149 of Playing By The Rules

“And you love it.” I smile.

She smiles in return. “I do.”




I walk into Knox and Cam’s apartment just in time to witness Knox whooping at the top of his lungs before he grabs Joanna and lifts her up high in his arms, spinning her in a circle as she laughs. He sets her gently down on her feet and kisses her.

For so long, I have to clear my throat to make them aware of my arrival.

Knox breaks away from her, a giant grin on his face when he spots me. “I got the call.”

I grin at him in return, knowing exactly what he’s referring to. “Oh, Knox.”

“I know.” He punches his fist into the air. “Let’s fucking go!”

The call he’s referring to is an invitation to the NFL draft. We’ve been waiting for this. Well, Knox and Cam have, while Joanna and I are the supportive girlfriends, anxious over their future.

Cam and Knox both participated in the NFL Scouting Combine in February, where only a select number of athletes are invited for a four-day evaluation of their playing skills, based on medical, mental and physical criteria. It’s a grueling endeavor, but it’s one step closer to what they want. Knox blew through it with ease, according to him. He’s been ready for this moment his entire life.

Direct quote.

For Camden, it was a little harder. After he returned, he admitted to me he struggled. He’s worked so hard on himself these last few months, and he worried he wasn’t strong enough.

Not everyone who participates in the Scouting Combine gets to participate in the draft. The number shrinks from one step to the next. And while I’m excited that Knox received a call to attend—this means they predict he’ll be drafted within the first couple of rounds—I wonder where Cam is.

Did he get the call too?

“I’m so happy for you,” I tell my brother as I rush toward him and give him a big hug. He squeezes me hard, letting go of me so he can wrap Joanna up in his arms once more.

“Thanks, Blair. This is like a dream come true.” He presses his lips against Joanna’s temple and she leans into him, her eyes shiny with tears. I’m sure she’s relieved. It’s been so tense around here lately. Lots of waiting. Agonizing. Knox always acted confident. Like he had this in the bag, but deep down even he was stressed.

Everyone knows Cam has been stressed. He hasn’t been shy about admitting it either.

“Where’s Cam?” I ask, glancing around the room for evidence that he’s already home. “He texted me a while ago and told me to meet him here.”

“I don’t know where he is.” Knox lets go of Joanna and scratches at the back of his neck, seemingly uncomfortable.

Uh oh.

“You don’t?” I send him a hard look, wishing I could read his mind.

He drops his arms to his sides and lets out a ragged exhale. “He went out for a run. He didn’t want me to say anything.”

Alarm makes me stand up a little straighter as I yank my phone out of my bag. “Why did he want you to keep it quiet?”

“Because we both knew what today could bring. Good news or bad. We didn’t want to be together until the end of the day, you know? I don’t want to crap on his parade and he doesn’t want to crap on mine either,” Knox explains.

A semi-rational explanation but I still don’t like it.

“Have you told him your news yet?”

“I just found out.” Knox slowly shakes his head. “And what if he didn’t get the call?”

“That doesn’t mean he won’t get drafted,” I point out.