Page 146 of Playing By The Rules

“What did you find?”

I turn and reach beneath the other pillow, pulling out the travel perfume and thrusting it in his face. “This.”

His face falls. “Oh.”

“Yeah. Why do you have it?”

He’s wincing. “It’s hard to explain.”

“I have all night.” If this is some other girl’s perfume, I’m going to be livid.

But something is telling me that’s not the case.

A sigh leaves him and he launches into it.

“Remember that night I picked you up and took you to the frat party?”


“I went shopping. Bought myself a new outfit.”

“To impress me?” I tilt my head back, kissing the underside of his jaw. “It worked.”

He squeezes me closer. “I ended up in that one makeup store. That starts with an S?”


“That’s the one. I was looking at the perfumes. Gucci makes a lot of them. I remembered you told me that’s what your scent was. Gucci. And that the bottle was turquoise. I was spraying some of them and the lady was helping me, and then I recognized your scent.” He pauses. “So I had to buy it.”

“For yourself?” I’m confused.

“Well…yeah. Sometimes, especially for the last month, I’d just spritz it in the air and pretend you were there.” He groans, pressing his face against my hair. “That’s fucking pathetic.”

“No, that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.” I rest my hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at me. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Enough to confess when I do something embarrassing.”

I kiss him. “It’s not embarrassing. It’s—romantic.”

“Oh God, I don’t know what’s worse.”

“Face it, Camden Fields, you’re a romantic at heart.”

“Only for you.”

Only for me.



New Year’sEve

Knoxand I decided to throw a party to ring in the New Year. A lot of people are gone for winter break, but we came back early for training, and so did a few of the other seniors. Plus, some of our teammates who are taking on bigger roles for the upcoming season.

Like Ace. His ass came back early too. And his ass is currently in my apartment, hanging out on our couch and throwing back beers with a big ol’ smile on his face. Not a single care in the world.

Blair approaches me, clad in a tiny black dress that shows way too much skin and barely covers her ass. I hate it.