Page 140 of Playing By The Rules

“I do. I love you.” I grab her hands and hold them against my chest, my heart thundering. “I’m in love with you.”

“I’m in love with you too,” she whispers, and I can’t hold back any longer.

I grab hold of her face, smearing the already streaked face paint on her cheeks, and kiss her.



The team went outfor dinner after the game in celebration of their win and I went too. So did Joanna. Even Natalie came along because, where else was she going to go, and she was having the time of her life, surrounded by football players and flirting it up with every single one of them. Even Cam, though I didn’t mind.

I’ve basked in his love and attention all evening. Out of nowhere, he’d just lean over and kiss me on the lips, not caring who was watching. At first, the gesture always set off a reaction from someone on the team, usually Derek. But after he did it a couple of times, it’s like they all grew used to it and didn’t even acknowledge Cam’s gestures of affection.

Me? I’m not used to it at all. I’m a little shocked every time he leans in, those delicious lips finding mine in a soul-stealing kiss. He’s the sweetest man.

And he’s all mine.

When dinner is over, we cling to each other in front of the bus, Cam seemingly reluctant to let me go.

“I have to ride back with the team,” he murmurs close to my temple before he kisses it.

“I understand. I get how this works.” I tilt my head back, smiling at him. “I’ve got a lot of experience with this sort of thing.”

“How’d I get so lucky?” He kisses the tip of my nose and I squeeze him tight.

“Will I see you later tonight?”

“I’ll text you when I get back to the apartment. Actually, just go there with Joanna. She has a key.” He smirks. “Knox made the suggestion.”

“This is weird,” I immediately say, not wanting to think about Knox with Joanna in any sort of way while they’re alone.

“Get used to it,” Cam says. “They’re together. We’re together. And Knox and I share an apartment. Things are bound to get awkward.”


“Fine. I guess I can handle it.” I shrug, acting nonchalant, and Cam starts tickling me, which has me giggling.

“Fields!” One of his coaches is standing in the open doorway of the bus and I realize Cam is the last one still outside. “Get your ass on this bus so we can head home.”

“Wait for me.” He kisses me, his mouth shifting to my ear to whisper, “Naked in my bed. Preferably.”

He pulls away and I’m blushing. I can’t help it. It’s been a while since we’ve been together, and I’m a little anxious. Things have shifted between us. He’s completely on board. We’re in love. I get the sense things might be a little intense later.

But I’m more than okay with that.

Joanna, Natalie and I make the long drive back together, listening to my game-time playlist I put together only last night, singing along with the songs as loud as we can, the music playing full blast. We’re laughing and screaming as we sing, and once the playlist ends, another song starts playing.

“Mad Woman” by good ol’ T. Swift.

“Oh my God, I love her.” Joanna turns it up even louder, making Natalie groan.

“Me too.” But we already know this about each other. I know about the Taylor Swift lyrics tattooed on her skin and think they’re perfection. “But this song isn’t it.”

It was it a month ago, when I was so pissed at Cam I couldn’t see straight. Couldn’t imagine wanting to be with him. I was that frustrated. That mad.

That hurt.

Joanna’s gaze meets mine, her expression serious. “Let’s change it.”