Page 139 of Playing By The Rules

“Your accuracy was stronger than ever,” the reporter points out.

“I’ve been working on myself,” I say truthfully, resting my hands on my hips, my gaze still scanning the people milling about. “But this isn’t all about me. We’re a team and they pulled it out today. Especially Rhoades. Did you see that catch he made? He’s the MVP of this game.”

The reporter laughs, a gasp escaping her when Joey Rhoades himself appears by my side, throwing his arm around my neck and giving me a squeeze. “You bragging about me, Fields?”

“You know it.”

The reporter talks to Joey for a few, while I stand there and nod, adding my opinion here and there. I spot the familiar face just when Rhoades is about to take off and the reporter is ready to wrap it up.

I glance up at the screens that hang above the field, my face on it, recording this moment live. It’s time.

Clearing my throat, I send the reporter a pleading look. “Can I say one more thing?”

She shoves the mic back in my face, eager to get more film for their aftertime show. “Go for it.”

“This is something a little more personal.” I tilt my head to the side, coughing a little like I’m a nervous wreck.

Which I am.

The reporter frowns. “Where are you going with this?”

“I just—I need to tell everyone how I’m feeling and what better shot do I have than right now?” I swipe the mic out of the reporter’s hand and turn, so I’m looking straight at Blair, who’s about twenty feet away, watching me with confusion in her eyes, Natalie right by her side. “Blair Maguire, I’m in love with you.”

The reporter gasps. Blair’s mouth drops open. Natalie grabs her arm, her eyes wide.

Even the stadium seems to go quiet, and it’s still full of a lot of spectators. All of them with their eyes on me.


“I know I’ve been a jerk to you and you’ve had to put up with a lot, dealing with me, but just know that over these last few months, I’ve changed for the better, and it’s all because of you. You’ve made me realize that there’s more to life than just myself. There’s you, and you make my world so much brighter when you’re in it. When you’re with me. I don’t want to do this without you, and I swear on everything I’ve got that I will be the best man I can be for you.” I pause, letting the words sink in, my gaze on her and no one else. I bring the mic closer to my mouth and murmur, “I promise.”

“Blair Maguire?” the reporter asks. “You mean Knox’s sister? Owen’s daughter?”

“The one and the same.” I hand her the mic. “Thank you for letting me do that.”

And then I’m off like a shot headed for my girl—woman—the reporter yelling after me, “I want an exclusive interview with you two, Fields!”

I ignore her, but she’ll get her interview. It’s the least I can do for her letting me say what I just did.

It’s only when I’m standing directly in front of Blair when I realize everyone is cheering. They’re as loud as if we just scored a touchdown or won the game—and we’re not even at home. I stop and take it all in for a moment, absorbing their shouts of encouragement. Seeing the smiling faces of my teammates, even Knox, who’s got Joanna wrapped up in his arms not too far away from where we are. He lifts his arm, giving me a thumbs up, and when I finally meet Blair’s gaze, I see that she’s teary-eyed, her lips trembling.

“Bumblebee,” I start, and a sob escapes her, cutting me off.

Worrying me.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” she practically wails. “You told everyone.”

I’m frowning. “Was that a bad move?”

“You said you loved me on national TV.”

“I wanted everyone to know how I feel about you.”

“They all definitely know now.” She wipes at her face and I go to her, moving her hand aside, so I can gently wipe away her tears. “Cam.”


“You said you loved me.”