Page 134 of Playing By The Rules

“I talked to Cam this morning.”

My steps slow and so do his. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. He told me. Everything.” He pauses, holding the door open for me as we both walk inside the building. “And that you two are together.”

Now I come to a complete stop, turning to face my brother as he turns toward me too, towering over me in his usual intimidating way.

The expression on his face isn’t intimidating whatsoever though. He seems pretty open. Pretty loose.

Pretty, dare I say, happy, about it?

“And you’re okay with that?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” He shrugs. “My best friend and my sister are dating. I’m cool with it.”

“Dating? Is that the word Cam used?”

Knox winces. “Not quite. Something like it.”

“What did he say?”

“He said that you two are together. That he’s—into you.” Knox rubs at the back of his neck, vaguely uncomfortable.

Meaning he’s lying. Or at the very least, holding something back.

“He didn’t say that. I can’t hear Cam saying that he’s ‘into me.’ That doesn’t sound like words he would use.” I tap the center of Knox’s chest. “Tell me what he really said.”

“That should be for him to say to you, not me, Blair.”

Alarm races through me. “What? Was it something bad?”

“No. Of course not. It’s just, if he’s going to admit his feelings for you, I don’t think you need to hear them secondhand from me first.”

Realization hits me. I think I know what Cam said to Knox.

He told him that he loves me.

“Okay. Sure.” I play it cool, not about to go crazy-girl on him. “That makes sense.”

Knox rolls his eyes. “Don’t give him shit for this, okay?”

“I would never!” That wasn’t part of the plan. I just love that Cam was one hundred percent real with my brother about his feelings for me.

Hmm, maybe I’m going completely overboard, but come on. Cam declaring his love for me to my brother is the logical conclusion here.

“Promise me.” Now it’s Knox’s turn to beg. “Cam seems like he’s in this—fragile state, and I get it. Being in love is hard, man. Oh shit.”

He covers his mouth, his eyes wide, his expression horrified.

“I didn’t mean to say that,” he says, his voice muffled by his palm.

“It’s okay. That’s the conclusion I already came to.” I let my giddiness fly free and start to hop up and down, while standing in line waiting to order my coffee, Knox grabbing my hand and trying to hold me down, though it doesn’t work.

“Calm down. You’re making a scene.”

“I’m happy, okay? I’m allowed to act like a fool right now.”

Oh, I wish Cam were here to see me like this, after receiving confirmation that he’s in love with me. This almost doesn’t feel fair.