Page 131 of Playing By The Rules

I used to think that sort of thing was nothing but horseshit, but I’ve come to realize it actually works.

Last night, I couldn’t sleep to save my life. I was too anxious, too excited. I finally gave in and crawled out of bed at five in the morning, layered on a bunch of clothing and went to the gym where I ran around the indoor track for a solid four miles. My lucky number.

Hers too. And isn’t that just some crazy shit?

By the time I walk back into our apartment, Knox is already up and in the kitchen, frying an egg. I stare at his back for a moment as I shut the front door, my chest tight, ready to burst with the need to tell him my truth.

This is it. It’s time.

Shoving the door fully closed, I stride into the kitchen and come to a stop in front of the refrigerator, declaring, “I’m in love with your sister.”

Knox flips the egg onto a paper plate and turns off the stove before he faces me, a confused look on his face. “Huh?”

I clear my throat, wondering if this was the wrong tactic. He still looks half asleep while I’ve been awake for hours. “I’ve been keeping a secret from you and I’m sorry. Blair and I—we’re together.”


Knox is frowning so hard, I wonder if the wrinkles in his forehead hurt him. “Are you fucking for real right now?”

I nod, bracing myself for impact. His gaze is filled with some sort of emotion that doesn’t look so good and I wonder if he’s pissed. I wonder if he’s going to take a swing at me. I’ll let him. I’ll let him get one in, at least. If he keeps swinging, he’ll have a fight on his hands. That’s not how I want this to go down, but he has to know that whatever I say about Blair, I mean. I’m in love with her.

And I haven’t even told her. I’m telling her brother first.

Jesus, that’s messed up. Too late now.

He contemplates me, remaining silent for way too long. I’m growing uncomfortable, clenching my jaw, dying for him to do something when finally he says, “We knew it.”

My mouth hangs open. “What?”

“Jo Jo and I were talking about it last night. You two were acting so weird together. There was all this tension. That’s what Jo said at least.” Knox forks up some of his egg and shoves it into his mouth.

I stare at him, shocked that’s the only reaction I get. “Aren’t you pissed that I kept it from you?”

“I’m not thrilled, but I get it. I would’ve gone ballistic on your ass and told you to back the fuck off.”

“And now you won’t say that?”

“If you love her, how can I be upset?” He peers at me, his gaze narrowing. “Are you telling me the truth? You’re in love with Blair?”

I nod, my throat going dry. “Yeah,” I croak. “I’m in love with her. But I haven’t even told her yet.”

“You two been sneaking around for the last couple of months, huh?” Knox keeps eating while standing at the counter.

“The last couple of months? No. We kind of had an—argument about a month ago and I’ve been keeping my distance.”

“Really?” Knox frowns. “But you’re never around. You said you go out all the time.”

“I lied.” I shrug. “I mean, I do go out. But I’m going to the gym or to the library or whatever.” I don’t feel like telling Knox about my mental health journey. I know he’d support me no matter what, but I’m still a little too raw over it.

It’s hard to share the details, but I’ll get around to it.


“You’re not sneaking around and hooking up with Blair?” He sounds shocked.

“I was. We were. But for the last month? No. I’ve been working on myself.”

“Oh.” Knox seems taken aback, his gaze running over me from head to toe. “Where have you been?”