Page 123 of Playing By The Rules

“Please just stop bugging me, Knox,” is how I greet him, not worrying about being polite because he’s my brother. “I don’t want to go out tonight.”

“Come on, B. Just get your butt over here,” Knox encourages, and I can tell he’s got me on speaker.

Alarm races through me at Knox calling me B. Something I don’t think he’s ever really done before. That’s a Cam thing. “Who are you with?”

“Who else would I be with? Jo Jo and the Duke of Camden.” I can tell Knox is smiling, happy to be with his girlfriend and best friend.

That sounds like torture. Not the Joanna part.

The Cam part. Duke of Camden. Only my brother has ever called him that.

“Oh.” I go quiet, thinking, glancing over at Cheyenne, who’s watching me with curiosity. “I don’t know. I don’t feel like pizza.”

“Give me a break. You love pizza.”

“And I look terrible.” I’m in sweats. No makeup. My hair needs a good wash.

“It’s just us, Blair. We don’t care what you look like.” He’s quiet for a moment, asking either Joanna or Cam, “You don’t care what my sister looks like, right?”

I hear a slam, like the sound of something hitting a table. “Nope. Don’t care at all.”

Oh shit. That was Cam.

“Really?” I’m pissed. “Are you drunk, Camden?”

“I’ve had one beer, Blair. Give me a fucking break,” Cam mutters.

“Hey, language,” Knox says mildly.

“I’m not a baby, Knox. I can handle it when Cam drops a fuck here and there,” I say snippily.

I’m guessing Cam doesn’t want me there. I’m sure he’d run away with his tail between his legs if I showed up at the restaurant.

“Ouch, okay, sorry.” Knox sounds defensive. Typical. “Are you coming or not?”

Don’t do it, don’t do it!

“You know what? Yes, I’m coming. I’ll be there in ten minutes.” I end the call and leap from the couch, taking my bowl to the kitchen and dumping it into the sink before I head for my bedroom.

“Where are you going?” Cheyenne asks.

“You don’t want to know,” I tell her at the same time I receive a text from my brother reminding me of the name of the restaurant they’re at, even though I already knew.

Can’t wait to show up and I hope seeing me strikes fear in Cam’s heart.

It’s the least he deserves.

* * *

I’m enteringthe restaurant fifteen minutes later, the scent of cheese and oregano and tomato sauce hitting me, making my stomach growl. That salad didn’t even put a dent into my suddenly ravenous appetite.

I’m starved.

Knox spots me first, lifting his hand in a wave and I make my way toward the table, confidence flowing through my veins. I revitalized my hair with dry shampoo and it flows down my back in slight waves, bouncing as I walk. I slicked on some of those glow drops on my face, giving myself a dewy finish as they say in the ad. I’m wearing my favorite straight leg jeans and a black turtleneck that makes my boobs look huge, and all I want to do is make Cam swallow his tongue.

At the very least, choke on it.

I approach their table, stopping at the head of it, smiling at all of them, even Cam.