Page 114 of Playing By The Rules

Oh yeah, we’re not obvious at all.

Joanna comes to a stop in front of the door, her delicate brows drawn together, her gaze going from Cam to me and then back to Cam. “Hey, you guys.” She waves at the both of us, all friendly-like.

I’m sure she can feel the tension hanging heavy in the air.

“Hey.” Cam keeps his gaze fixed on the TV, his expression sulky. He won’t even look at her, and the frustration boiling inside me is now threatening to show itself in the form of tears.

“Hi, Joanna,” I offer, trying not to sound as sad as I feel.

She draws closer to me, her gaze locked on my face. “How are you?”

Before I can answer her, Cam is talking.

“I’ll let you ladies chat. Knox is in the shower. He’ll be out soon.” He turns off the TV with the remote, rises from the couch, and leaves the two of us alone, slamming his bedroom door behind him a few seconds later.

What the hell?

A sigh leaves me and I shake my head. “He is such a prick.”

“He is?” Joanna sounds shocked.

I nod, letting my annoyance bleed into my words. “The worst, but please don’t mention this to Knox, okay? He doesn’t even know I’m here.”

Now Joanna seems extra confused. “He doesn’t?”

I stand, grabbing my tiny bag that’s on the coffee table in front of me that I bet money on Knox didn’t even notice, and sling the strap over my shoulder. “I need to go.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?” Joanna follows me all the way to the door, and I hurry my steps, desperate to get out of here.

Away fromhim.

“There’s nothing to talk about. And please…” I turn to face her. “Please,don’t mention this to my brother. It’s really none of his business.”

I don’t even give Joanna a chance to respond. I stride right out of the apartment, shutting the door behind me and marching my way toward my car. Not giving into my emotions until I’m sitting in the driver’s seat with the engine running.

Only then do I break down and cry.



“Sweetheart, you look so good!”Mom leaps to her feet, Dad looming just behind her as I approach their table, where they’ve been waiting for me at the restaurant.

I met them for lunch. They came in a little earlier to have a few days with us, flying in last night—plus Mom didn’t want to deal with the long drive, she said—and when Knox and I went together to the airport to pick them up, Dad announced that they’re selling the family house and moving to California to be closer to my aunt and uncle.

And I sort of had a meltdown.

Okay, there was no sort of about it. I had a complete meltdown and I can’t even explain exactly why. Change is hard. Knowing that our house, where we grew up—mostly—is up for sale and my parents are moving out of state threw me for a complete loop. Knox said I was acting like a selfish brat, which only pissed me off more, but I can’t help it.

The idea of never being able to go back to what I consider home is upsetting.

It doesn’t help that I haven’t really talked to Cam since I left his apartment earlier this week. I’m mad at him still. I currently feel mad at the world. Even at my parents, who I love and adore. Who are giving me matching,are you okaylooks that make me feel bad for holding a grudge.

Once I hug them both, I settle into the chair across from them, watching as they share a glance before turning their attention to me.

“About last night,” I start, readying to face the problem head-on.

Unlike some people I know.