Page 106 of Playing By The Rules

I remain quiet.

“Fuck her?”

The look on my face must say it all. Derek whistles low, slowly shaking his head. “You’re in serious trouble, my dude.”

“I don’t need your input if you’re just going to sit here and make me feel like shit.”

“Just stating facts, bro. You’re gonna get in over your head. Actually, I think you’re already there. That girl is sweet. And a Maguire. She’s not someone you just casually mess around with.” Another low whistle. “Her daddy is a fucking professional, man! A legend! And her brother is your best friend.”

“Thanks for telling me what I already know.” I reach for my beer, realizing too late that it’s empty, as only drops hit my tongue when I try and drink from it. I set it on the table with a loud thunk. “There is nothing going on between Blair and me.”

Derek’s brows shoot up, the doubt written all over his face. “Keep telling yourself that.”

Blair doesn’t come back to the table. Sheila reappears carrying two tequila shots, and Derek nestles his between her tits, grabbing it with his lips and tilting his head back to swallow it while she laughs and laughs. I just scowl at them the entire time, annoyed with their antics. Even more annoyed with their freedom to do whatever the hell they want with no judgment, except from me.

But right now, I don’t count because I’m just a jealous fuck who wishes he could be as free as they are. But I can’t.

Worse? There’s no one to blame. I could say it’s Knox’s fault but that would be a lie.

It’s my fault too.

After about thirty minutes of me sitting there talking to no one and not drinking anything but water, I finally get up from the table to go use the bathroom. I make my way through the thick crowd, nodding and smiling at everyone who greets me as I pass by, noting that most of them are women. Women whose gazes are full of interest. Who give me a full body scan with their eyes, like they’re thoroughly checking me out.

In the past, I would’ve chosen the cutest one and singled her out. Made conversation with her. Brought her back to the table, much like Derek did with his chosen one for the night. I would’ve flattered her and flirted with her and touched her here and there. On the arm. Her leg. Maybe even her hair. She would be totally into me and I’d be into her and I’d bring her out to my car and let her do whatever she wanted to me. Usually a blow job.

Most of the time, I wouldn’t give them anything in return because I’m selfish like that. They never complained. But they’d always leave with the hope that I would reach out again. They’d give me their phone number and practically beg me to hit them up sometime.

I never did. Most of the time, I’d delete their number and forget all about them. I was a dick.

I still am.

But I’m not tempted to do any of that tonight. I hate how they check me out. I hate the way they make a simple word like, “hey,” sound suggestive. As if they look at me and think of only one thing. It makes me feel used.

And I’m the user in this situation. I’m aware of what I am.

Damn it, Blair Maguire has really fucked with my head.

After I handle my business, I’m walking out of the bathroom when I spot Blair standing at the bar, talking with some random guy. I go completely still, my focus only on Blair. The faint smile on her face, her friendly expression. She’s completely open to what this guy is saying to her and I hate that.

I should walk away. Let her go. Find my own ride home and deal with the consequences later.

My gaze shifts to the guy who’s talking to her and I realize it’s not just some rando.

It’s fucking Ace.



It’s downright refreshing,getting away from the brooding, angry Cam for a bit. He’s drunk. Miserable. Grumpy. Also a little…


Yes, definitely jealous. Which is surprisingly thrilling, I can’t lie.

But his mood is spreading like a dark cloud over me and I don’t want to end up mad too. Especially at him. Though I was before I arrived at Logan’s. I didn’t like how he just ignored me after the game, though I also knew that he was hiding after playing so poorly. Licking his wounds.

Cam is moodier than usual, thanks to how much alcohol he’s consumed tonight.