Page 105 of Playing By The Rules

Yet, I’m jealous. I see green on the edges of my vision and I feel like slinging my arm around Bair’s shoulders and hauling her into me, proclaiming to everyone that she’s mine.

She belongs to me.

But my girl barely glances in my direction, whispering out of the side of her mouth, “I drove myself here.”

“Are you sober?” I burp. Loudly.

Blair winces. “Someone needs to be.”

“I thought you were drinking?”

“The same someone also has to drag your drunk ass out of here,” she drawls.

Derek perks up and I realize that he heard her. “You brave enough to give Fields a ride home, Blair?”

Blair blinks at Derek, her body going stiff. Like she’s embarrassed we just got caught talking about it. “Um, yeah. My brother asked me to.”

“She’s such a good sister, don’t you think?” I ask Derek, leaning over Blair and giving into my urges, sliding my arm around her shoulders and giving her a squeeze. She tenses beneath my touch, but I don’t give a damn. “The perfect little sister to Maguire.”

She says nothing, her body language screamingI’m extremely uncomfortable, but I choose to ignore her vibe.

“Blair’s pretty great,” Derek says, and my heart turns black at his words.

“What do you know about her?” I’m growling. Feeling territorial. Glaring at Derek like I want to tear him apart with my bare hands.

“Whoa, calm down there, buddy. I’ve got someone to distract me already. Right, Sheena?” He looks at the girl in his lap with the giant tits.

“It’s Sheila,” she corrects him, wrapping her arms around his neck and practically shoving his face in her cleavage. “And yes, baby. I’m here to distract you all night long.”

They laugh and kiss, not trying to hide their interest in each other, and I’m jealous yet again. Everything makes me jealous tonight.

“You’re being a jerk,” Blair tells me, shrugging my arm off her shoulders and shoving my hand off her thigh. Like she doesn’t want me touching her. “You need to calm down before people start getting suspicious.”

“Suspicious of what?” I play dumb on purpose and she scowls at me, slowly shaking her head.

“You’re acting like a child.” Before I can stop her, she rises to her feet, staring down at me with disappointment written all over face. “Get your shit together, Fields.”

She leaves, and I watch her retreating form, feeling like an absolute dickhead.

“Hey, baby, go get me a tequila shot.”

Sheila pops up off Derek’s lap, snatching the twenty-dollar bill from his fingers. “Sure thing, sexy.”

We both watch her head for the bar, Derek turning to me the moment she’s out of earshot.

“What’s the deal with you and Maguire’s sister?”

“Nothing,” I say too quickly.

Derek snorts. “Fuckin’ liar. You got a thing for her?”


“She got a thing for you?”


“You kiss her yet?”