* * *

I’m wokenup to the sound of insistent knocking on my bedroom door, followed by the handle rattling. Oh, and the insistent sound of my phone alarm going off.

“Wake the fuck up, bro. Your alarm has been going off for twenty minutes,” Knox yells from behind the door.

“Oh shit.” My eyes crack open and I turn my head, grabbing the phone off my nightstand to check the time, turning off the alarm. I’m late. I have class in fifteen minutes.

But I have a sweet little blonde bundle wrapped up in my arms, her face snuggled right against my chest. I’m not getting up yet.

Looks like I’m skipping class.

“Why the hell is your door locked anyway?” Knox keeps on shouting, and I wish I could throw a pillow at his big head, but I can’t. That means I’d have to open the door and show him who’s in my bed, and that’s a problem I don’t want to deal with anytime soon.

“Go away,” I yell back at him, causing Blair to stir. “And it’s locked to keep you out. Otherwise, you’d just barge in and yell in my face.”

“Whatever man.” I can hear him walk away, and I sink back into the mattress, giving Blair a gentle squeeze.

“He still has no clue, huh?” Blair murmurs against my chest.

“About what?” I kiss the top of her head. It’s like I can’t stop touching her.

“You and me. Us. I mean, I already know he doesn’t know. I just had to ask.” She tilts her head back, her expression sleepy, her eyes tired. I lean in for a kiss, and she swerves left, not giving me the opportunity. “You can’t kiss me.”

“Why not?”

“Morning breath.”

“I don’t give a damn.”

“Yeah, you will. No kissing.” She keeps her head averted.

“You’re being ridiculous. I’ll take care of the morning breath problem. At least for myself.” I grab her, pulling her up. She yelps and I rest my finger against her lips, indicating I want her to be quiet and she nods, those green eyes of hers even bigger.

Next thing I know I’ve got her gripping the headboard, her knees on either side of my head, her pussy right above me. I wrap my arms around her waist and start licking, letting her grind all over my face, my tongue touching every part of her that’s within reach.

It takes nothing to make her come. Might’ve helped that I streaked my finger across the tiny puckered hole between her plump ass cheeks. Did that a couple of times and she was coming with a muffled shout, her hand over her mouth preventing her from getting too loud.

Fucking hot.

I drag her into my connected bathroom once she’s come down from her orgasm, pulling her into the hot shower with me. I soap up her body and she does the same to me, our wandering hands making our skin slick from the suds. She won’t leave my dick alone, but it is hard and constantly getting in the way between us. And when she drops to her knees and takes me into her mouth, it doesn’t take me long to come either, sending it all straight down her throat.

“What are you doing to me?” I ask her once she’s gathered up in my arms, our bodies soaked, our skin wrinkled from being under the water for too long. She’s even shivering, her teeth chattering slightly.

“W-what do you m-mean?” she asks.

I press her against the slick tile wall, trying to warm her with my body. I’m so hot I feel like I might burst out of my skin and she’s shaking from being too damn cold.

“If you don’t watch it, I’m going to become addicted to everything you do,” I admit, about as real with her as I’ve ever been.

Her smile is faint, her eyes glowing. “Promise?”



The FaceTime callcomes out of nowhere, just as I’m about to settle into bed and fall asleep. I’m exhausted after last night’s extracurricular activities with Cam and I’ve been sluggish all day. Despite how much coffee I’ve chugged, and I even skipped class.

It didn’t help. None of it. I’m so tired. I guess this is what happens when you get with a man with an enormous sexual appetite. And we haven’t even had actual sex yet.