Sure hope they don’t stay up and wait for me.

* * *

Not even ten minutes later,I’m standing on Cam and Knox’s doorstep, raising my fist to knock when the door swings open. Cam is shirtless, clad in only a pair of training shorts that hang perilously low on his hips, and he grabs my raised hand, yanking me into the mostly dark apartment.

“You took forever,” he scolds, his hands moving to wrap around my upper arms. He turns me so I’m leaning against the now closed door, shifting closer. Pinning me with his body. “How did you get here anyway?”

Silly man. He didn’t even think to ask when he flipped out over me walking last time. “I have a car now.”

It’s been in the shop the last couple of weeks because of a recalled part and I didn’t really mind because I don’t drive far. Everything I need is on campus or close by.

“Good.” His voice is firm. “But you should’ve been here five minutes ago.”

I roll my eyes. “I have roommates. They were questioning where I was going.” I’m breathless thanks to the wall of heat pressed against me. I’m not even looking at his face any longer. I can only stare at his chest, taking in all of his bare skin on display.

All I want to do is touch it. Touch him. Kiss and lick my way down his chest…

“What did you tell them?”

I tilt my head back to find he’s staring at my lips. I lick them with a quick swipe of my tongue and his gaze flares with heat. “I said I was going to the library to study.”

“Study.” His smile is faint. “Good one.”

I settle my hands on his pecs because I have nowhere else to put them, and his eyelids flutter. “You’re not wearing a shirt.”

“I know.” His smile grows. He looks pleased with himself. “Figured I’d give you a good look at my abs. Then you wouldn’t be able to resist me.”

“You’re so arrogant.” I slide my hands down over his pecs and his ribs, mentally counting the muscled ridges in his stomach. “I might be able to resist you. I come from a family of athletes, you know. I’ve seen a lot of firm abs in my life.”

“None like mine, babe.” He stops my hand just as it reaches the waistband of his shorts. “Let’s go to my room.”

“Nothing like getting right to it, huh?” Nerves gnaw at my insides, making me feel shaky.

“More like I don’t want your brother to come home unexpectedly and catch us,” he says, his expression solemn.

Oh shit. I didn’t even think of that.

He takes my hand and leads me through the apartment. Even though there isn’t any real light on, beyond the one shining through the open doorway of his bedroom, I still try and check out their living space. It’s usually clean, but I don’t come here that often and this is an unexpected visit. Thankfully, it doesn’t smell bad in here—a good sign. Men can be such pigs. And outwardly it appears fairly neat. Just like it did when I was here making them dinner.

Now I brace myself for Cam’s bedroom. If it’s a total pigsty, that’ll be a dealbreaker. I’m a neat freak. Some people view this as a flaw and my sister has accused me of having OCD on more than one occasion, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

I like being clean, what can I say?

Cam pulls me into his room, shutting and locking the door behind me, and I’m able to take a casual glance around the mostly clean room when he shoves me against the door and proceeds to kiss the shit out of me.

I know that doesn’t sound pleasant, but trust me when I say the man has magical lips and wandering hands, and I’m not protesting when he kisses me for long, tongue-filled minutes. There are lots of sighs and soft groans and a couple of whimpers—those come from me—and the sound of clothing shifting. My clothing. As in, he’s got his hands under my sweats and is kneading my butt with his fingers.

Finally breaking the kiss so I can catch a decent breath, I gasp when he lifts my ass, causing me to automatically wrap my legs around his hips. He presses his erection against me, right at my core, and I moan, knocking the back of my head against the door, my eyes falling closed. “You feel so good.”

“I could fuck you like this,” he murmurs. I crack my eyes open to see his fiercely intense expression as he rubs his hard cock against me. “You’re at the perfect height.”

He flexes his hips, hitting a particular spot that has me seeing stars, and I thunk my head against the door yet again, overcome by the sensations rolling through me. All we’ve done is kiss with a little bit of fondling and I’m already on edge. Ready to fall right over it with a few calculated strokes or touches. I swear the man could just look at me and I’d probably spontaneously combust.

“Watch it,” he whispers, removing one hand from my ass to slip it behind my head. “Don’t want to hurt yourself.”

“You sound very proud,” I whisper back. “Look at what you make me do.”

“I can’t help it that I drive you out of your mind.” He presses his face into the crook of my neck, breathing deep. “Fuck, you smell good.”