I snap a photo of myself out on the field, a full body shot, and send it.

Hottest QB Alive:You’re right. I def want more of that.

Me:Text me later and like I said.

Me:We’ll see.



I’m fucking horny.

It’s bad. All I can think about is Blair. Sexy as fuck Blair gasping and shaking when the orgasm took over her. Hot as hell Blair grinding her pussy on my dick. Offering to take care of me. Wearing my shirt and hoodie, looking cute as hell in my clothes.

The conflict has weighed heavy on my mind since Tuesday morning when I woke up with an aching dick and the memory of her pussy gripping my fingers so damn tight. It was too much. Not enough. I’m totally into her. I shouldn’t touch her again.

I told myself I would leave her alone and I did. I spotted her a few times on campus and went right when she went left. Another time, I found her heading straight for me and turned to go in the other direction. It was for the best. Knox is going to murder me. He might murder her too. We don’t need to die at the hands of one of my favorite people. I’d rather be his friend than fuck his sister.

At least that’s what I kept telling myself until we ran into her only a few minutes ago. Looking hot as shit wearing that green get-up that clung to her body like a second skin. Her hair was up in a ponytail, her eyes extra green, thanks to the outfit, and all I could think about was getting her out of it.

Instead, I talked to her about workouts and got her phone number because my mama didn’t raise no fool. I can finally text and call her freely, though I should probably have her contact name say something different than Blair.

I’m staring at my phone right now while Knox drives us back to our apartment, smiling as Blair and I keep texting. She hit me withwe’ll seewhen I mentioned we should get together.

Yeah, we’ll see all right. I’ll be seeing plenty of her later tonight because I can guarantee we’re getting together. Somewhere preferably with a bed.

“What are you smiling at?” Knox asks out of nowhere, irritation in his voice.

“Nothing.” I send Blair a quick response and pocket my phone. “Texting a girl.”

Knox grins, all irritation gone, just like that. “Some hottie you met at Logan’s?”

“Something like that,” I say, purposely vague.

“I’m, uh, seeing a girl tonight.” He clears his throat, suddenly uncomfortable.

“Who?” I think I know who. I’m just trying to torture him.


“Bookstore girl?”


“She seems nice.”

“I like her.” I glance over at Knox, catching him swallowing hard, like that was tough to admit. “A lot.”

“That’s great, man.” I’m not going to be a dick and discourage him from seeing her. If that’s who he wants, then he should go for it.

“You’re not going to tell me it’s a dumb idea to start dating someone now? At this point in our lives?”

It is a ridiculous idea for him to start dating someone now. His last year in college, during the most important football season of his life. He’s going to be busy as shit—we all are—and next thing we know, he’ll be getting drafted and moving on to a professional team. Now is not the time to start a relationship that has more potential to fail than anything else.

But who am I to judge, when I’m thinking about the same thing? And even worse, I’m determined to keep it under wraps because I don’t want Knox to find out I have a serious—thing for his sister.

I don’t know what else to call it, but Jesus, she’s all I think about. This isn’t some occasional booty-call, hookup scenario. At least, I don’t think it is.