“Let’s plan something soon then.” He thrusts his hand out toward me. “Give me your phone.”

Oh, my word. This man is a genius.

I pull my phone from my pocket and open it before I hand it to him, watching as he enters his phone number into my contacts and then sends himself a text from me. “Here. Now you can text me. Or I can text you. We can meet up next week.”

Disappointment coats my tongue and I try to remain bright and chirpy despite it all. “Next week sounds good.”


“You two are full of shit,” Knox mutters. “Just trying to get under my skin.”

“Well, it worked, so point for me and Blair.” Cam’s amused gaze meets mine. “See ya this weekend.”

“Bye,” I call to the both of them, staying in the same spot so I can watch them walk away.

Knox’s mouth is moving a mile a minute and I can only imagine what he’s saying to Cam. Cam glances over his shoulder one last time before he goes to the passenger side of Knox’s truck, his gaze locking with mine.

I waggle my fingers at him, dropping my hand when Knox looks at me too, a puzzled expression on his face.

Turning, I head for the field, not in the mood to run any longer. Mad I wasted a cute outfit when I got to talk to Cam for all of five minutes. I feel like I’m in middle school. Desperate to catch the attention of the popular boy and failing miserably with every chance I get. I remember those days far too vividly.

Can’t believe I’m living them again.

I’m stretching out on the field before I run when I feel my phone buzz against my side. I pull it out of the tiny pocket that’s in my leggings, smiling when I see the name of the person who’s texting me.

Hottest QB Alive.

Giggling, I open our very short text thread, reading the text he sent from my number to himself.

Me:U r hot.

I want to roll my eyes. He would send that to himself.

Hottest QB Alive:Sorry I had to go.

I send him a quick text back.

Me:It’s fine. Knox is obnoxious.

Hottest QB Alive:You look gorgeous in that outfit. Green is your color.

I’m smiling. Grinning, really. Now I don’t regret wearing it. Not one bit.

Me:Thank you.

Hottest QB Alive:See you later tonight?

The butterflies are back, bigger than ever, their wings flapping and leaving me giddy.

I decide to play it cool.

Me:We’ll see.

He responds immediately.

Hottest QB Alive:We’ll see? Oh B. You know you want more of this.

Me:More like I think you want more of THIS.