“Hey, sis,” Knox greets, waving at me.

“Hi.” I wave at him in return, my gaze zeroing in on Cam, who’s watching me with that intense dark gaze, silently communicating with me the reminder that he’s had his mouth on me in lots of places.

He’s seen me naked. Well, mostly.

He’s had his fingers inside my body.

He’s witnessed me come.

My entire body goes hot at the memory.

“Heya, B,” Cam drawls when we come to a stop on the sidewalk, his fingers wrapped tight around the strap of his duffel bag.

Knox sends him a look. “B? Is that what we’re calling her now?”

“I like it.” Cam shrugs, a secret smile curving his lips, his gaze sliding to mine.

I smile at him in return. “It’s kind of cute. Don’t you think, Knox?”

“If you say so.” He studies his best friend before his gaze shifts to mine. “You two are acting weird.”

I school my features, trying to appear nonchalant. “You’re the weird one, Knox. What’s your problem?”

“We were just leaving,” Knox says, his voice clipped. He won’t hardly look at me, and I can tell I offended him.

Good. He needs to focus on that emotion and not me and Cam giving off weird vibes.

“You have a good practice?” I ask Cam.

He tilts his head toward me, his lips curved into the faintest smile. It’s sexy and setting about a zillion butterflies loose in my stomach, making me feel all fluttery inside. “Yeah. You coming to the game this Saturday?”

“Definitely,” I say without hesitation.

“I’ll get you tickets,” Knox says, sending Cam a look that I can’t read. “Come on, bro. Let’s get out of here. I’m starving.”

“You want me to make you guys dinner?” I offer, hating that they’re trying to leave.

Well, Knox is trying to leave.

“I’m hungry now,” Knox says, his gaze scanning my outfit. I’m wearing a matching dark green tank and leggings that I got at Aerie and I’m feeling extra cute at the moment. “Are you going running or something?”

“Yeah. Trying to work on my fitness.” I rest my hand on my hip, thrusting my chest out, praying my nipples aren’t obvious because eww, not in front of my brother.

“Looking good, B,” Cam says, earning a slap on the chest from Knox.

“That’s my sister,” my brother oh so obviously reminds him.

“No shit. I can still tell her she’s looking good, which she is.” Cam’s gaze locks with mine. “Been working out extra hard lately?”

The only extra hard workout I’ve had was with him in the front seat of his car. “Not particularly.”

“That’s a shame.” He whistles low, ignoring how Knox is glaring at him like he wants to tear his head off. “We should meet up at the gym sometime and I can put you through a workout regimen.”

“Oh, come the fuck on,” Knox groans, “you’re trying to piss me off, aren’t you?”

“No. I’m serious.” Cam glances over at Knox for a moment before sliding that gaze onto me. “I’m always looking for an excuse to hit the gym.”

“I’ll hit the gym with you,” I say like the shameless hussy I am.