I tossand turn for the next couple of hours before I finally give up and roll out of bed, taking a shower while jerking off yet again to thoughts of Blair. At least I have more to work with now, like how it feels to lie in bed with her in my arms. Her soft body pressing into mine, her breasts resting against my chest. My imagination goes into overdrive with what she might look like naked. I have a decent visual, but damn, I wish I could see the real thing in the flesh.

I could be so lucky.

Once I’m out of the shower and dressed, I go to the kitchen, a little surprised to see Knox’s bedroom door is still shut tight. I go about my business, brewing a cup of coffee with the Keurig, while popping a couple of slices of whole wheat bread into the toaster. I fry up a couple of eggs and settle them on top of the toast, then drench them in hot sauce before I settle into my spot at the kitchen counter when I hear a ringing sound coming from nearby.

Knox’s iPad, which is plugged into the charger at the counter. He’s getting a FaceTime call from his other sister, Ruby. Her smiling face flashes on the screen, Knox’s arm hooked around her neck.

Glancing around, the wordsfuck itdrift through my head as I lean over and answer the call. Ruby’s eyes about pop out of her head when she discovers who’s waiting for her on the screen.

“Camden Fields in the flesh,” she murmurs, her lips curving into a smile.

I smile at her in return. “Hey, Ruby.”

She’s pretty, I can’t deny that fact. Both of the Maguire sisters are, but there’s something about Blair that just gets me going every time I see her, and Ruby doesn’t have it. At least with me, she doesn’t.

“Where’s my brother?” she asks.

I look over my shoulder at Knox’s closed door before I return my attention to her. “Still sleeping.”

“What a bum.”

“You are a few hours ahead of us,” I remind her.

“Only two. Doesn’t he have an early class? Did I wake you up?”

“I’m eating breakfast.” I hold up my plate to show her.

“I don’t want to disturb you, Cam. I’ll let you go. Tell Knox to call me when he can if you see him.” She’s about to disconnect when I stop her.

“I don’t mind talking to you for a few minutes,” I say, sounding completely lame because why am I wanting to talk to her?

Right, I might want to drill her for info about her sister.

“Oh. Well, what’s up? How’s school? How’s football?”

I fill her in on the usual stuff, telling her what I tell everyone else. School is good, football is great, my life is perfect, blah blah blah. Even though that last part is a lie. My life is far from perfect, but I can guess Ruby Maguire doesn’t want to hear about my troubles. Why should she care?

“Dating anyone special?” she asks once I’m done.

“No.” I sound defensive, muttering that one word, even to my own ears. “Not really.”

“Not really?” Her brows shoot up. “Tell me. Is there someone you’re interested in?”

“It’s complicated.”

Her smile grows. “Oh, now you have to tell me, Camden. I need all the details.”

“There are no details to share.” I backpedal, needing to change the subject. “What about you? How’s school going there? Are you seeing anyone?”

“School is a shitshow. I hate it out here, and no, I’m seeing absolutely no one because all of the prospects here on this godforsaken campus are terrible,” she says almost bitterly. “Knox suggested I should move back home and enroll where you guys are at, and I’m thinking about it. That’s why I called him. I wanted his input, but you’re like Knox, so I’ll ask your opinion instead. Do you think I should come out there and go to school? Do you like it there?”

“If you really hate it where you’re at, then yes. Life’s too short to be miserable.”

“Right? I totally agree. Blair, on the other hand, acts like she doesn’t want me around.” Ruby shakes her head, faintly irritated.

Really? That’s surprising.

“Why do you say that?”