
“I’m walking into that frat by myself, and if you want to show up a few minutes later, looking like we didn’t come together, cool. Go for it. But if you really want to leave? I’m okay with that too.”

We study each other in silence for a minute, and I take the opportunity to really drink him in. Just like I made the effort to dress up for him, it appears he did the same for me too. He’s wearing a fitted navy button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and jeans, with pristine white Nikes on his feet.

I’m tempted to step all over them with my sandals, but I tell myself to chill.

He looks good. I swear he even got a haircut, his dark hair trimmed neatly on the sides and a little longer on top. His dark eyes sweep over me, lingering on spots that he has no business lingering over, and I stand up straighter, squaring my shoulders. Preparing for a fight.

“Go ahead and walk in first,” he says. “I’ll wait a few before I come inside.”

Without a word, I turn away from him and start walking, my anger growing with every step closer to the frat. He’s such a wimp. Is he that afraid Knox will find out we came together to this stupid party? Knox would probably be relieved that Cam escorted me here. At least Knox can trust his best friend not to do anything, ahem, inappropriate towards me.

Ugh that’s so annoying.

The closer I get to the house party, the louder everything sounds: multiple conversations happening at once, punctuated by a squeal of high-pitched laughter. The low pulsing bass of music being played. A group of people loudly counting down, right before they all scream, “Chug!”

Ah, welcome to college.

The front lawn is teeming with people, the majority of them male, and all of them looking at me with undisguised interest in their eyes. I offer them a wave as I head up the sidewalk that leads to the porch, carefully taking the steps while all eyes are on me. The moment I’m inside, I breathe a sigh of relief, swallowed up in the crowd.

I didn’t like being put on display just now in front of those guys. Made me feel kind of creepy.

There are so many people in this house, it’s hard to move. I patiently make my way through the crowd, smiling at familiar faces, wishing someone would say something to me.

Wishing more that Cam was man enough to enter the house by my side.

“Blair, you made it!”

I turn to find Ace leaning against the wall, surrounded by a group of women who are all watching me with suspicious gazes. He’s grinning at me and he pushes away from the wall, approaching me with open arms just before he wraps me up in a big hug.

“I’m so glad you came.” He rocks me back and forth, and it takes me a minute to extract myself from his hold. And when I finally do break free, I find he’s still grinning at me while the women all watch me, looking ready to scratch my eyes out. “Where’s Cam?”

“Cam?” I glance around like I’m looking for him. “I don’t know.”

“Oh. I thought you two were coming here together.”

“You did?” I squeak, clearing my throat.

Don’t want to give myself away.

“Well, yeah. I saw his hand on your thigh last night so…” He nods, giving me a look that says he’s on to us. “I just thought you two were a thing.”

I swallow hard, trying to come up with something to say, but I draw a blank. So I just shrug instead.

“You twoaretogether?”

“Uh, no.” I smile brightly at him. “No. Not really. Not at all. He’s just a friend. My brother’s friend. And mine. Nothing else. Just friends.”

I’m babbling and I sound stupid. I need to quit while I’m ahead.

“Uh huh.” The knowing look on Ace’s face tells me he’s got us all figured out after all. “Do you know if he’ll be here tonight?”

“Are you talking about Camden Fields?” one of the girls standing by Ace asks.

He turns his charm on her. “I am. I’m his backup QB. We’re friends.”

I want to roll my eyes. “He should be coming.”