“I don’t think it matters what you want, or what I want,” he finally says, his deep voice so low I have to scoot even closer to hear him. “Knox will rip my heart out of my chest if I lay a single hand on you.”

The blood is roaring in my ears and I swallow past the disappointment coating my throat. “No, he won’t.”

His smile is small. Almost sad. “Yes, he will. And you know it.”

An irritated noise leaves me and I take a step back, needing the space. “That’s so annoying.”

“What, me telling you no? Or your brother being the problem?”

“Both. If you ask me, it sounds like you’re just making excuses.” I reach across him to grab my glass and drain the last of my drink with a furious sip from my straw—I am so ridiculous—before leaning over Cam to set my glass back on the table. His body is like a solid wall of heat and muscle. Touching him in even the most innocent of ways sets off a fiery path of tingles all over my skin.

Which makes me even more frustrated.

“You know how he is.” I refuse to look at him, averting my gaze. Taking in everyone else around me, but the guy sitting too close. The guy who I’ve had a massive crush on for months. No,years, and who just let me down easy. “Blair. Look at me.”

I hate hearing him say my name because it sounds so good coming from his lips. I barely glance in his direction, noting the pain in his expression. Like he’s hurting too.

Please. He can’t be hurting that badly.

“You’re afraid of my brother,” I retort.

“I’m afraid of myself,” he returns, his response making me frown. “I’m a shithead. I treat girls like garbage.”

“I don’t believe that.” I make a dismissive noise. “And you’ve never treated me like garbage.”

“You’re different. I know you. You’re my best friend’s sister.” He pauses. “And that’s the reason why we can’t do this. I don’t do relationships, especially with a girl who’s related to someone I’m close to.”

I roll my eyes. “Why do all men assume that’s what we’re looking for?” When he sends me a questioning look, I explain further, “Relationships.”

“Because you’re the type of girl who deserves nothing but the best. A casual hookup with some asshole will only leave you feeling…empty.”

Cam is right, damn him.

An irritated noise leaves me. “Woman.”

He frowns. “What?”

“I’m not a girl, I’m a woman. I’m twenty-one. I don’t think you can call me a girl anymore.”

“Trust me, you’re definitely a woman in my eyes.” The knowing look on his face makes me want to smack him. Or kiss him.

Take your pick.

“Well.” I cross my arms. “You got the ‘some asshole’ part right.”

He grins. Actually grins. Like I amuse him. “You’re kind of cute when you’re angry.”

“Do not say nice things to me right now.” I thrust my finger in his face and he grabs it, sending an electric current down my arm, but he immediately lets me go, like his body just had the same reaction. “I can’t believe I tried to hit on you and you turned me down.”

“Would you believe me if I said it was painful to do that?” He raises his brows.

“No,” is my immediate response.

“It was,” he reaffirms. “You’re beautiful. You’re smart. You’re brave. And I’m a dickhead.”

“It’s getting old, Cam, hearing you call yourself names. Trying to imply that you’re not good enough for me.”

“I’m not. That’s why you’re better off.” He opens his arms to me. “Now come here.”