Page 38 of Knot Alone


The only visible bit of Maggie is a tangle of brown hair underneath a pile of pillows. At the sound of the door, she pokes her head free. Disheveled is a good look on her. Almost as good as the sweet scent of spicy raspberry jam that’s filled the room. The scent is even stronger than when we were in the car, but I can tell her heat hasn’t fully hit.

Linus freezes inside the door, taut like a bowstring beside me. He surges forward, stripping with each step toward the bed. He shoves pillows out of the way so he can crawl on top of Maggie, who replies by scrambling for Linus, dragging him up to her.

The two of them sink into a desperate, messy kiss, missing one another’s mouths while they scramble to get Maggie’s clothes off. She’s in the same attire from this morning, like she didn’t bother to change into something comfortable before retreating to bed. I can tell Linus is trying to slide down Maggie’s body to get in between her legs, but Maggie makes it difficult. She presses against Linus and whines like she can’t understand why he stopped kissing her.

I take a quick tour of the room to the soundtrack of their moans and groans, letting the two of them spiral out of their minds with lust. I’ve never had the Center miss someone’s essentials when I helped with a heat, but I’ve heard stories. Back when I was new, another Alpha told me about a time when the Center forgot to stock spare sheets. The Omega he was helping was too territorial to allow anyone to leave and pick them up, or to allow a delivery of fresh laundry. The Alpha had to flip the mattress and spend half the heat in the bathroom.

Everyone in the system eventually ends up with a story like that. So, Heat-Alpha 101 means checking the linen closet and bathroom for essentials. Then I make sure my treats are in place. I shift a few of the water bottles from the cool fridge to the shelf, just in case Maggie is the sort to have headaches from too much temperature change during her heat.

I open the chest to see Maggie’s extras and my brain stalls out at the toy box resting on top of a bunch of blankets. I unzip the case to find a bright blue dildo. The wet squelch of Linus’ tongue and Maggie’s panting breaths are a beautiful soundtrack to the discovery. But it doesn’t help me avoid getting hard at the thought of pressing the dildo into Maggie’s tight little pussy, making her work for her pleasure.

‘No, Graham.’ I say to myself. That is for later.

I’m the only one here with blood still in my head and I’ve got to use it.

I zip the case shut, check the weighted blankets taking up the rest of the chest, and head to the table by the door. I lower the lights a little for ambiance and grab the waiting binder. Flicking to the likes/dislikes page, I head to the bed and spread out beside Maggie.

Linus must plunge his tongue between Maggie’s folds, because she shouts a cut-off shriek and her back arches off the sheets. Her hands scramble for purchase, so I grab one and press a kiss to her sweaty knuckles.

Maggie blinks open pleasure-fogged eyes. If the added spiced almond in her scent isn’t enough of a sign of her impending heat, warmth is radiating off her pink skin. With a soft tug, Maggie drags me to her, not for a kiss, but to bury her face in the crook of my neck and breathe me in. She kitten licks my scent gland and I can’t help but purr. I wonder if I come across like toasty brown bread for her like I do for Linus.

“It’s your turn,” Maggie murmurs, hot breath against my skin. It takes a moment to realize she means it’s my turn to fuck her. Linus went first last night and now it’s my turn to sink into that tight, clenching heat.

“Is it now?” I press my lips against her ear and rumble in pleasure. She shivers, twisting against Linus’ tongue, and grasps for me with shaking hands.

“You all right, baby?” I rumble again and Maggie keens against me, desperate and panting like she’s riding the hard edge of orgasm, but can’t get over.

“Graham.” She moans. I slip my hand down to where Linus is working like a starving man. Linus readjusts, laving his tongue over Maggie’s sloppy hole while I rub one finger over her clit in steady circles. Maggie bows right out of my arms, trembling too hard to hold her.

“You like that, baby? You like the thought of Linus and I taking turns with your greedy cunt? The both of us knotting you over and over until you can’t take it anymore?” Maggie’s eyes clench shut as she pants, desperate to catch her breath. One of her hands seizes my dress shirt, wrinkling it beyond all repair. The other scrambles at the sheets like she’s trying not to grab Linus’ hair. She doesn’t know yet that Linus loves getting his hair pulled.

Right. Maggie doesn’t know that. And Linus and I don’t know much either.

“Unfortunately, we have to talk first.” I pull my hand off Maggie’s clit and nudge Linus to back off. He doesn’t, of course. I reach down and grip the back of his neck, the way I do when he’s sucking my cock and I need him to come up for air. Linus pulls away, a trail of Maggie’s slick linking his lips to her cunt, his eyes glazed like he’s drunk on her pussy.

I can’t help myself.

I lean in and kiss him, the taste of my husband and our Omega blending together.

It’s not Maggie’s whine that pulls me out of the kiss, it’s the corner of the binder digging into my hip. Tempted as I am to chuck it aside and dive into them both, Linus and I want this to be the rest of our lives. That means I need to be the Alpha they both deserve.

“Let her breathe, babe,” I murmur against his lips. Linus grumbles, but listens.

“Graham?” Maggie whines, not quite aware.

“It has come to my attention that there might be some errors in the like/dislikes document.” I tug the blinder out from under the sheets. “Before we get too far into your heat, I want to make sure we’re on the same page.”

“What?” She croaks. And really, it is unfair of me to cut her orgasm off like this and ask her to have a conversation.

“Linus,” I say, and my good husband knows without explanation that he needs to go back to keeping her hot. Maggie sighs and sinks back onto Linus’ tongue like other people sink into a hot bath.

I refocus on the like/dislike list. I don’t need to review my and Linus’ columns because I know them so well, so I turn to Maggie. The first thing I notice is that, beyond the hard limits, Maggie doesn’t have anything listed that she’d be willing to try with limitations. No playful smacks to her rear, no rubbing her asshole while she’s being fucked, nothing. Her list only involves things she’s completely comfortable with. Things that have no space for experimentation. Which says something about how Maggie expected this weekend to go. She used the paperwork to protect herself from everything that might go wrong, even when she didn’t plan to spend the weekend with an Alpha. I’m going to honor the trust she’s placed in us.

“Graham?” Maggie groans out the question. I bend down and kiss her, steady and calming. I’ve got enough biological knowledge to know the Alpha hormones in my spit will soothe her a bit. They’re not as effective as an orgasm, and certainly not as good as semen with a knot, but good enough to keep her aware for our conversation.

As I suck on her bottom lip, I take Maggie’s free hand and set it on Linus’ head. “First off, Linus enjoys having his hair pulled.”