“While this is not your monitoring room, this is what your monitoring room will look like.”
“Why not mine?”
“Your block of rooms currently has two other people in their heats. It would be improper to show you that room while they are vulnerable on the other side of the glass.”
I nod. I didn’t think about that and appreciate the care.
“Two monitors staff each monitoring room. They rotate out every six hours, alternating so the room is never empty. The monitor is here to protect your hard limits, prevent bonding, and ensure that you are happy and healthy. The standard safe word in this facility is ‘Red.’ Are you familiar with safe word protocol?”
“Yes. Anytime I feel unsafe or uncomfortable, I say ‘red’ and the monitor will intervene.” I recite from the intake paperwork.
“Is the standard stoplight system—green for go, yellow for pause and discuss, red for stop—acceptable to you?”
“It is.”
“One last note. The monitors are professionally trained, so they will operate under their own discretion. If they believe you are in an unsafe situation or being exploited, they will use their own best judgment and intervene.”
“Some people have intense heats and standing up for their own interests can be difficult. Also, sometimes Alphas behave contrary to the values of the Omega Center when the Omega is not in a place to witness and object. This is a vulnerable time, and we want our clients to be secure. Do you understand these details as I have explained them to you?”
“Please sign here.” Iris holds out her tablet and I sign. I appreciate Iris’ blunt recitation much more than Peterson’s pandering. He would’ve spent twenty minutes on that conversation instead of two.
“As a side note, I must remind you that bonding is not permitted in this facility. If the monitor sees the biological triggers that suggest a bonding is about to happen, they will intervene. Further, if bonding should happen despite our best efforts, the monitor will immediately dose all Alphas in the room with an anti-rut cocktail. This will render them unconscious and purge the pheromones from their system. The monitor will also give you an anti-bonding shot, which will reverse the bonding’s biological effects and purge the heat from your system.”
“Don’t those hurt?”
“Yes. You will be sore for about a week after, but you won’t be bonded. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” I reach for the tablet.
“I don’t need your signature for that one.”
“Sharing that is… observation on my part.”
“Oh.” I blush crimson. “We’re not… it’s not…”
“Let’s see your room, shall we?” Iris interrupts. She leads me back into the hall and around a few corners before she taps the keycard again and ushers me into what looks like a hotel room. The walls are pale blue, with generic artwork that’s more paint splotches than anything—though all of them have a splash of red. There are two spare chairs in the corners opposite the bed, neither with arms that might impede a straddle.
The room’s centerpiece is a massive mattress on a low bedframe about a foot off the floor. I like being near the ground in my nest. The room specifications on the website said the default height is about three feet, the perfect ‘bend over and fuck me’ height. But they could remove the bed’s legs and replace them with an array of heights. I chose a modification without a headboard. Instead, I went with a mountain of pillows in a dozen different sizes and functions, since I didn’t anticipate company. I wanted to wrap myself up in soothing softness. That’s also why I chose the water-resistant fabrics instead of going for full-on waterproof.
“You were told about the amenities during your initial review of the different room selections. But as a reminder, here is the lighting panel.” Iris begins the tour by the door and the touchscreen in place of a regular switch. “Your Alphas will have a reminder course on the lighting system before they join you, but the instructions are located here for your review.” Iris taps a thin 3-ring binder on a table beside the door. (Like every other piece of furniture, the table is built stable enough for fucking.)
“This binder also contains instructions to control the temperature, to call the commissary for food pickup or delivery, the cleaning service, and other supplies.” Meaning sex toys and lube. “You will, of course, be otherwise occupied, but some people like to know about the options they can ask their Alphas to call for.” The Center had the contents of the 3-ring up on their website as a PDF and, honestly, I’d had to Google some of the sex toy options.
“Your requested items are located here.” Iris lays a hand on the chest against the wall opposite the bed.
I crack it open. Underneath are a variety of heated and weighted blankets. On top is a case that holds the singular dildo that I… well—it looked interesting when I did my research. I have no plans to use it, but… maybe.
I drop the lid and pop up to face Iris, who has the perfectly bland expression of someone who hasn’t been surprised by her job in decades. “Does anything appear to be missing?”
“No.” I squeak.
“If you decide later that you would like something else, your Alphas can place a call. The spare sheets, towels, extra blankets, other linens, and a laundry basket—because some people just can’t help themselves—are located here.” Iris loop around to a tall cupboard tucked into the corner next to the bathroom. “Here is the mini-fridge.” She taps the box next to the cupboard. “Again, we stocked it to your specifications, and you can request more.”