“Obviously,” Nico said with a laugh. “What’s the interest with the Cacciapaglias?” Janine noticed that at no time did he look down at Alyssa’s pregnant stomach.
Alyssa blushed. “Technically, we’re Cacciapaglias.” She gestured toward Maggie, still seated beside her. “Our grandmother was Teresa.”
Nico’s jaw dropped. For a moment, Janine was petrified he would say that he was related to Teresa, that she was his cousin or aunt or something like that.
“I’m so sorry for your loss,” Nico said. “Teresa was a remarkable and very quirky woman. She used to come into the museum all the time.” He paused, frowning, then added, “She used to stare at that painting all the time. ‘Paradiso Terrestre.’”
“Did she ever say anything about it?” Alyssa asked.
“No. We spoke often, but never about the painting. She always had a story to tell and always had time to sit for a coffee and chat. I adored her. I never had a grandmother of my own, as they both died when I was very young, and Teresa has that place in my heart.” Nico patted his chest gently.
Alyssa’s eyes were bright, tender. It was clearer than ever that she was into him.
“Anyway, how much longer are you in Venice?” Nico asked.
“A bit longer,” Alyssa said. “We’re living at Teresa’s old place. She gave us a sort of scavenger hunt. If we win, we get whatever she left us in her will.”
Nico’s eyes sparkled. “That sounds like something she would do. What happens if you lose?”
“We won’t,” Alyssa answered simply.
Nico laughed. “Um. Maybe this is weird, but can I have your number? I’m on my way somewhere, but I’d love to meet up before you go and maybe talk more about Teresa.”
“We’re eager to hear about her!” Alyssa typed her number into Nico’s phone, her cheeks now completely crimson.
Nico said goodbye and fled the scene as though he wanted to get away from them as quickly as possible. Just as Alyssa collapsed back in her chair, clearly lost in thought, her phone buzzed with a text from Nico.
“That was fast,” Maggie said, sipping her sparkling juice.
“It’s crazy he knew Teresa,” Alyssa offered.
“Everyone seems to know everyone else in this city,” Janine said. “It feels like a village.”
Alyssa remained quiet for a moment, her eyes lost, peering somewhere behind Janine’s head, probably at nothing at all.
“Admit it, Alyssa,” Maggie interjected. “You like him.”
Alyssa waved her hand. “I can’t like him. Come on.”
“What are you talking about?” Janine asked.
“I mean, look at me.” Alyssa gestured toward her stomach, six months pregnant. “It’s only going to get bigger.”
“He doesn’t seem to care,” Maggie said. “And maybe you can explain to him the situation. That you’re doing it for me.”
Alyssa raised her shoulders. “It’s dangerous. What if I start to like him, like him? My life is in Martha’s Vineyard. I’m going to be there for baby Galileo’s childhood and messy teenage years. I’m going to be there for their wedding! I can’t get involved with someone who lives in Italy. It’s too chaotic from the get-go.”
“Alyssa, why don’t you just go on a date with him?” Maggie said with a sigh. “A date never hurt anyone.”
Alyssa was quiet and contemplative for a moment. “But it did, Maggie.”
Janine frowned, suddenly recognizing the true problem here. The last man Alyssa had let herself get really involved with had attacked her on that private plane in November 2021— which was fewer than two years ago and still relatively fresh. It clicked for Maggie, too.
“You know, not everyone is like that guy,” Maggie offered. “Some of them are really worth your time.”
“Not ones like Rex,” Alyssa said.
Maggie sighed, her eyes misting. “Okay. There are a lot of bad ones, too. But the love I’ve found with David has been totally worth it. And I know there’s love to be found out there for you, too.”