Page 89 of The Bad Girl List




I wake up feeling sick, my body tangled with emotions. I feel rejected, sad, confused, and, if I’m being completely honest, a little pissed off.

I don’t know exactly why Trevor had been so angry when he saw my tattoo, but I can guess. Something about it reminded him of Elle, and not in a good way.

“I’m such an idiot,” I whisper, staring up at the ceiling. I didn’t agree to the Bad Girl List to get my heart stomped on.

Yet despite knowing Trevor is emotionally unavailable, I let myself get caught up in him. I let myself hope he’d be my number ten.

“I won’t make the same mistake again,” I tell the ceiling.

“I almost fucked a girl.” Annika opens her eyes and sits up in bed, leaning back against her pillows.

“I never saw that coming.” I clear my throat, trying to shake off my glum mood.

“Neither did I.” She huffs, turning to look at me. “This is why I need to stay away from guys like Thomas. Even when I’m not dating him, I still end up in a three-way with him. What is it about me that attracts guys like him?”

“You’re fun?” I suggest. “Open minded? Experimental?”

“Don’t remind me. The cherry Chapstick song is cute, but it’s not my thing.” She shakes her head. “No, that’s not it. A few years ago, a threesome in a pool cabana would have been an aspiration. But I don’t want casual hook ups anymore. I want something real.”

“Well …” I try to think of something to say to cheer her up. “Maybe we both need a Bad Girl List. How about we use this vacation as a way to go crazy, then we button things up and get our lives straightened out when we get back to San Francisco?”

“Yeah.” Annika nods as she turns this over. “That’s a good idea. If I do something outrageous when we go out tonight, I won’t beat myself up over it.” She gives me a grin, my cousin’s usual good humor returning to her. Her attention narrows on me. “You okay, cuz?”

After Trevor’s behavior on the way back to the Tesla, it had been glaringly obvious that something had happened between us. I’d spilled my guts to Annika as soon as we’d parted ways with the others.

My brief fling with Trevor had been even hotter than I’d imagined it could be. It was a surprise to see that, for all his sweetness, he has what I can only describe as an animalistic side. Being finger fucked in the woods was ten thousand light years away from anything I’d ever done with Oliver.

“I shouldn’t feel sad, but I do.” I look at Annika. “Do you think I’m an idiot?”

“The only idiot is Trevor Moretti,” Annika says. “You are awesome. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”

“He’s not an idiot. He’s still grieving.” Annika hadn’t seen the pictures in Trevor’s bungalow, hadn’t seen his beaming smile when he stood beside Elle. She hadn’t seen him cry when he talked about how she had died.

“You’re too forgiving,” Annika says. “He’s the one who came after you, remember? He asked you on a fake date. Skyview Villa was his idea, and he offered to help you with the Bad Girl List.” She shakes her head. “The guy is massively confused.”

My phone pings with a text message. My stomach does an annoying flip flop when I see it’s from Trevor.

Sorry about last night. I’m not going to be able to help you with your list anymore. I’m sorry. Have a nice vacation.

The heaviness in my stomach grows as I read each word. I experience a combination of embarrassment and dejection.

This is even worse than being ghosted. This is flat-out rejection.

“Who apologizes for finger banging a girl like a porn star?” Annika mutters. “What an idiot. Sorry, Dom.”

I read his text three more times. The ellipses pop on and off at the bottom of the screen before finally disappearing altogether. Apparently he has nothing else to say to me.

Well, screw him. I delete all his messages so I don’t have to see his name.

I get out of bed, determined to enjoy the rest of my vacation and to forget all about Trevor Moretti. “What’s on the schedule for today?”

“We were supposed to go antique shopping,” Annika says, “but did you notice how late everyone got home last night?”