Page 82 of The Bad Girl List

Once everyone else is over, we follow Trevor in a single-file line until we bump up against the back of a large bush.

Trevor has me by the hand. We squeeze between the corner of the building and the bush–

And emerge onto a breathtaking sight.

The moon, nearly full, sits high in the sky, illuminating everything with bright light. There’s a cabana off to our left. Behind us is what looks like a hotel cottage built entirely from stone with a slate roof. Vines crawl along the walls. A wide infinity pool sits in front of us, the waters rippling in a slight breeze. Beyond the pool is a sweeping, moonlit vista of vineyards far below us in a valley.

“Your sense of direction has been redeemed.” Thomas slaps Trevor on the shoulder. “And can I just say you are a fucking ass for never telling me about this before?”

“Last one in is a rotten egg!” Minnie whisper-shouts, already stripping out of her clothes.

I shoot a look at Trevor. Our eyes meet. He releases my hand and peels off his shirt. A thrill of excitement goes through me at the idea of seeing him completely naked–and of him seeing me naked.

I take a little longer to undress than strictly necessary. I have a perfect view of Trevor’s naked backside for exactly ten seconds.

His ass looks like it was lifted from a Greek statue. His back is hard and well-muscled. The moonlight pours across his body and turns the two hollows above his ass cheeks to dark pools.

Then he slips into the water, dunking his head and disappearing from sight.

I finish undressing, leave my clothes in a neat stack on the side of the pool, and hurry to the edge. My entire middle is wrapped with saran wrap, by order of Chrissy.

Not only am I saran wrapped, but white medical tape runs along the top and bottom to prevent any seepage. It probably looks weird as hell, but since Trevor has a tattoo, I figure I don’t have to explain it to him.

I’m shivering even more now. The idea of getting into a cold pool does not sound appealing, but I’m fully committed to seeing this through.

Trevor surfaces just as I test the water with the tip of my toes. A jolt of electricity goes through me as his eyes drag up my naked body. Warmth pools between my legs, and then I’m shivering for an entirely different reason.

I want to jump in and end my pain, but I can’t risk making noise and giving us away. Instead, I sit on the edge and dangle both legs in the water. Trevor has taken a sudden interest in the moon. I hold my breath and slip over the side.

A hiss passes over my teeth as the water hits my already cold body. “Shiiit!” I manage to keep the expletive to a whisper.

Trevor turns around and swims in my direction. “Refreshing, isn’t it?”

“If feeling like an iceberg is considered refreshing, then yes.”

He chuckles. “Come on, swim around with me. It will get your blood flowing.”

I paddle over to him, the two of us moving to the deep end. Annika, Minnie, and Thomas are in the shallow end, the three of them engaged in a game of what I can only surmise is truth or dare. Thomas is doing naked push-ups on the side of the pool, while Annika and Minnie look like they might come apart with laughter.

My teeth rattle, the cold seeming to sink into my bones.

“Are you warming up yet?” Trevor lazily treads water beside me. Droplets gleam on the tips of his golden hair. Up here under the open sky with the moon like a brilliant beacon, I snatch another look at his gorgeous body beneath the water. I’d love to draw him.

“What?” I say, realizing he had just said something. My teeth give another loud rattle.

“Are you warming up yet?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Another shiver shakes my body, but I don’t think Trevor noticed.

Minnie gets out of the pool and executes a perfect firefly yoga pose on the pool deck. Annika pretends to clap her hands. Thomas looks like his eyes might come out of his head.

I glance in Trevor’s direction to see his reaction to this spectacular display of yoga prowess, but he’s not looking at Minnie.

He’s looking at me.

“You’re still cold,” he says.

“I’m fine.” My teeth chatter as I say this.