I take a long drag from the joint, pulling the smoke into my lungs. It burns pleasantly down my esophagus.
“I coughed. A lot.” Dom has gone from leaning her head on me to partially draping herself across me. One of her hands is dangerously close to my crotch. “Like, I coughed a ton. I’ve never even smoked a cigarette before.”
“We popped her marijuana cherry tonight,” Minnie says with a wicked, flirtatious smile. I can’t tell if she’s talking to Annika, Thomas, or both.
I exhale and take another puff. I want to be as relaxed as everyone else in the car.
“More?” Dom reaches for the joint in my hand.
“Nope.” Annika cuts her off. “You’ve had enough.”
“Okay.” Dom’s hand flops back down. This time, it lands right on my dick. There’s enough gravity behind it that I jump.
“Oh, sorry!” She turns wide eyes up in my direction. Up close, I can see how red they are. How many hits did they give her?
“I didn’t mean to damage your goods,” she says in what I assume is supposed to be a whisper. It comes out much louder than that.
Everyone starts laughing. Dom moves her hand to my thigh.
I can feel myself relaxing by degrees, the stress oozing out of me. I lean my head back on the seat and let myself enjoy Dom’s closeness.
“So, where are we going swimming?” Minnie turns on her car. “Trevor, what’s this great place you have lined up for us?”
I take one last hit before passing the joint to Annika. “We are sneaking into Skyview Villa.”
Thomas says, “Are you fucking with us, bro?”
Dom says, “I’m hungry.”
Annika says, “Shit, I should have brought some potato chips.”
Minnie says, “Oh, my God, this is going to be so fun. Did you guys know rooms there start at three thousand dollars a night?”
Annika says, “Are you shitting me? Are you sure this is a good idea? Don’t they have security?”
I say, “Don’t worry, we won’t get caught. I did this back in high school on homecoming night.”
Thomas says, “Seriously? You snuck into Skyview Villa and didn’t tell me?”
“I couldn’t have you ratting me out to mom and dad. Minnie, head up Fitch Mountain and I’ll show you where to park.”
Minnie pulls out of the lot, heading toward Fitch Mountain, a local town landmark. Skyview Villa is the most expensive place in Healdsburg and sits right on the top of the mountain.
Fitch Mountain had once been a resort area due to its proximity to the Russian River. The little community once consisted of pitted, one-lane roads and mis-matched cabins tucked in among the trees.
It still has the pitted one-lane roads, but over the years, many of the cabins had been purchased and fixed up. The area is now a mix of run-down homes that looked like meth dens and mega-mansions that belong on the cover of Better Homes & Gardens.
Minnie’s Corolla hits the road that snakes up the mountain. Tall trees close in around us.
Dom’s hand rubs up and down my leg, each movement getting a little closer to my crotch. I’m already starting to get hard. I take her hand and lace her fingers with mine in an effort to keep my dick under control. It feels so good to be touching her and have her so close.
I’ve never been so happy for pot in my life. It enabled me to skip any and all awkward conversations with Dom and go straight to this.
“You should have brought your truck,” Dom says. “I miss your truck.”
“You can hear that truck in the next town,” Thomas replies. “We need stealth for tonight.”
“What’s the plan, man?” Minnie asks as we snake farther up the mountain. “Where am I parking?”