Page 59 of The Bad Girl List

“That’s what I’m calling about. Mom has completely lost her shit.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She invited everyone, dude. Not just Gramps. She invited Cindy, Leigh, Uncle Dan, and Aunt Margo.”

Cindy and Leigh are Mom’s two best friends. Uncle Dan is her brother. “Why did she invite so many people?”

“Didn’t you get the announcement?” Thomas changes his voice to a high-pitched interpretation of our mother. “Trevor invited a girl and her family to dinner.”

I stop, my heart making an uncomfortable lurch across my chest.

“Are you fucking with me?” It wouldn’t be the first time Thomas has done something like this. As my younger brother, it’s practically his part-time job.

“I wish I was, but no. You ready for more?”

My heart takes another lurch. “There’s more?”

“Gramps invited all the old-timers. I overheard Mom talking to him, and he remembers seeing Dom in the bar. But his friends don’t, so they all want to come and meet her.”

“Oh, my fucking God.” This is a disaster. No, disaster doesn’t even cover it. A disaster is an untimely frost that takes out a bunch of buds in the vineyards. A disaster is my dog biting my dad when he gets too loud.

This isn’t a disaster.

This is a clusterfuck of national proportions.

“You might want to give Dom a heads up.” Thomas knows all about Dom and the ex-asshole her parents still think she’s dating. “Someone might say something that puts her in a bad position. I know you like this girl so try not to fuck her over.”

He’s right. I do like Dom. Even if I’m currently conflicted on exactly what that means, I had promised her that dinner would be low key, that we wouldn’t do or say anything to disrupt things with her family on vacation.



“Now that I’ve fulfilled my brotherly obligation, I want you to know I’m going to give you shit about this for the next decade.”

I don’t have time for this. I disconnect, then hustle Tequila into her crate and simultaneously call Dom.

She picks up on the second ring. “Hey, Trevor.”

“Hey, Dom.” There’s no way to sugarcoat the insanity of my family, so I dive right in. “Look, I underestimated how much this means to my parents. They invited extended family and friends. Everyone wants to meet you.”


“Dom, did you hear me?”



“Um, we’re already here. My mom and aunties are talking to your mom right now.”

“Shit, stay right where you are. I’m coming. Wait, stay close to your family. I’ll be right there, I swear.”

I hang up and call my mom.

I can tell she’s smiling when she answers the phone. “Trevor, honey, hi. Are you on your way up for dinner?”

“Mom, Thomas told me what you did.” I jam my feet into my dirty work boots and rush out the door. There isn’t time to mess with nicer shoes. “I told you guys things are super low-key with Dom. You’re going to make her uncomfortable and mess things up for me.”