Page 127 of The Bad Girl List

“Trevor?” I head into the bedroom, thinking he might be in the shower.

But the bedroom is empty, and–the bed is made.

I stop in the doorway, staring at it, trying to recall if Trevor has ever once made the bed while we’ve been dating.

That’s when I notice the flower bouquet sitting on the bed. Trevor buys me flowers all the time, but this is the first time he’s left them on the bed.

I drop my duffel bag in front of his dresser and walk over to pick up the flowers. It’s a mixed bouquet of mums, all of them deep shades of red and orange. Leave it to Trevor to find the bouquet that matches the autumn season we’re in.

A small card pokes out from the flowers. My name is written in Trevor’s blocky script.


Tequila and I are having a thumb wrestling match to see who loves you more. Come outside to see who the winner is.

I prefer you naked but will take you with clothes.



I snort with laughter. This has been a running joke between us lately, where he thinks I should do everything naked when I’m visiting him.

I head back outside. Tequila is sitting on the back deck. As soon as she sees me, she barks and hops over to me.

“Hey, girl.” I crouch down to give her an ear rub. She covers one side of my face with doggy kisses. “Where’s your daddy?”

She barks, her tail smacking against the deck. I notice something hanging from her collar. It’s another card. A half-smeared, inky paw print marks one side. Next to it is the word MOM, again in Trevor’s handwriting. I have no idea what Trevor is up to, but he’s cracking me up.

“What is your daddy doing? Hold still, girl, let me get the card.”

Her ears flick back as I untie the ribbon securing the card to her collar. She looks down her nose at me.


I beat daddy at the thumb wrestling match, but only because I played the missing leg card and he felt sorry for me and let me win. He’s the real winner. He asked me to deliver this poem to you.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I really hope

You’ll say I Do

Wet tongue kisses,


My heart starts to beat erratically in my chest as I spin around, looking for Trevor.

I finally see him. He’s thirty yards away underneath an old oak tree.

And he’s on one knee, holding something in his hand.

My eyes blur with tears as I close the distance between us, Tequila yapping with excitement as she wiggles ahead of me. She crouches on the ground next to Trevor, her butt in the air and her tail wagging as she barks up a storm.

Trevor looks as gorgeous as always. He’s not in his dirty farm clothes like he usually is when I arrive. His golden hair is damp from a recent shower and curls around his ears. He’s wearing a clean sage green shirt rolled up to his elbows. Grasped between his thumb and index finger is a ring. The smile he gives me is almost blinding.