Annika gives us a snarky grin while Thomas makes an obscene gesture with his hands. I flip them both off.
Also on the veranda is Gramps and his gang, and they already have their cards out. Dee and Helen are playing with them, and I can tell it’s a serious game from the way everyone is hunched over the cards. There is a pile of twenty-dollar bills on the table.
“Looks like the casino opened early,” Dom says. “What are we going to do with Tequila?”
“We’ll have to leave her in the car.” I lean down to pat her on the head. “Sorry, girl. I would have left you in your crate if I’d known we were going to stop.”
Tequila whines as we get out. Before Dom can shut the door, my dog hops out. She leans against Dom’s leg, looking up at us with her liquid eyes.
“I don’t think she wants to stay in the car, Trevor.”
I crouch down in front of Tequila. “There’s a lot of people up there, girl.”
Her ears stand up straight. Her eyebrows go halfway up her face.
“I think she wants to come with us,” Dom says.
“We can try it, I guess.” I take a few steps to see what Tequila will do.
She stares at me, but remains leaning against Dom’s leg.
“Come on, girl.” Dom takes a step.
Tequila moves with her.
Dom takes another few steps. Tequila stays right by her side.
“Wow.” I look at Dom. “She’s never done this before.”
Dom takes my hand. Together, we walk up the steps of the veranda. Tequila hops up the stairs, staying between us.
“Holy shit,” Thomas says, watching us. “I can’t believe Gimpy is finally coming out of her shell. You know Dom is special if your crazy dog likes her.”
“Trevor,” Annika says, “make sure your brother sends me that case of wine he promised me when he finally nails Minnie. I worked my ass off all week to hook them up.”
“I thought you didn’t need a wingman,” I say to Thomas, raising an eyebrow.
“I do when the girl I want thinks Annika is hotter than me,” Thomas says. When Annika laughs in his face, he gives her a lazy smile. Yes, there definitely might be something cooking there.
Hand in hand, with Tequila hopping between us, Dom and I head inside.
Dad is there, sipping his mimosa while he talks in his too-loud voice. I can’t be sure, but I think he might be telling an old family story about how Uncle Theo dumped a load of grapes on the road instead of into the grape crusher. Tequila flattens her ears at him, but she doesn’t growl.
Dom’s mom and my mom laugh at something my dad says. They each have a stack of plates in their hands as they walk around the table.
“Hey, guys.” Mom stops when she sees us, her smile warm as she takes in Dom and me standing together with my dog. “Hope you don’t mind that we threw together a last-minute family brunch?”
“This is really nice, Megan,” Dom says. “Thanks for inviting my family.”
“It’s great, Mom,” I say. “Even Tequila is happy.”
“I can see that.” Mom gives Tequila a bemused look before returning her attention to me. “Can you and Dom finish helping Louise set the table? I have to go check on the quiche.”
“Sure.” Dom takes the plates out of her hands.
“Tim, I could use your help in the kitchen,” Mom says.
As I watch my parents disappear into the kitchen, I appreciate them in a way I never have before. Setting the table is something you do with family, not guests. Handing off the plates to Dom and Louise is my mom’s way of welcoming them to the Moretti clan. It’s a subtle thing, but the gesture isn’t lost on me.