“Me, too.” I kiss the top of her head. “Nice job, by the way.”
Her eyebrows draw together in confusion. “Nice job on …?” She trails off, waiting for me to fill in the blank.
“On breaking the handmade vase I bought on a family trip to Italy.”
“Is that what fell off your dresser?” She raises herself up to look at the shards smashed on the floor, but I pull her back down.
“I’m just giving you shit. It’s a thrift store vase my mom picked up. She thought it went with my color scheme. Apparently, I have a color scheme.”
Dom slaps me playfully on the chest. “Ass.”
“Oh, don’t worry, when Mom notices it’s gone and asks me about it–which she will–I’ll tell her you broke it. That way she won’t get mad at me.”
“If you do that, I’m going to dump a bottle of vinegar into your compost tea.”
“Now you’re playing dirty.” I pull her on top of me, wanting her closer. “Never fuck with a man’s compost.”
We laugh together. Tequila barks at us from her bed, tail knocking against the wall.
“I think she approves,” Dom says.
Tequila barks again, tongue lolling out.
“Dad,” I say in my Tequila voice, “I’m so glad you brought my second-favorite person home. I told you she was awesome.”
“You were right, Tequila,” I reply, “your second-favorite human is awesome. She’s damn good in bed, too.”
Dom hoots with laughter. “Oh, my God, you are so weird. We haven’t even had sex in the bed yet.”
“Being able to speak dog doesn’t make me weird. I believe most people would call that gifted. And don’t worry about the bed. I have lots of plans for you, me, and this bed.”
“Hmmmm.” She raises her chin to look at me, considering. “It’s good to know there are plans. Will you fill me in on them?”
“They’re on a need-to-know basis.”
“Be that way.” She rolls her eyes and burrows back into me. “If I get bored waiting for you to let me in on your plans, I’ll just start drawing. Don’t complain if my sketchbook ends up full of naked pictures of you.”
She’s probably serious, which makes me laugh. I run my fingers lightly over her smooth, round ass. Her soft skin beneath my hands makes my dick twitch.
Her mood changes as soon as she feels it. Her eyes are dark and sultry when she looks at me. She shifts her weight so that she can drag her fingers along my cock, which just makes me harder.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you, Trevor Moretti.” She slips her hands between our bodies to stroke me.
And just like that, my mood changes, too. So much for cuddling. I want her again, right now.
I flip her over, pushing her legs apart with my knees. Her pussy is glistening and she smells so fucking good.
“You’re wet for me again.” I run my fingers through her, loving the way her breath hitches as I tease her opening.
“And you’re hard for me.” Her hand tightens around my cock, her strokes getting faster. “I want to feel you inside of me again.”
My breaths come faster, my need for her growing. I want to be inside her, to feel her without a condom, but I don’t say it. It’s not a thing you ask a girl on the first night. Maybe after we’ve been dating a while, I’ll feel it out and see what she thinks.
“Trevor.” She grabs my hair and pulls me down for a kiss. The hand around my dick never slows.
I love her mouth. The feel of it, the taste of her. My breaths are shallow and uneven. I can feel my orgasm building as she strokes me harder.
And while I do want a hand job from her, it’s not what I want right now.