Page 116 of The Bad Girl List

“Sounds great.” I smile at him, mildly impressed that wine and stargazing are part of his pickup line, especially considering I’m already in the car with him.

He reverses out of the parking spot, then immediately slams on his brakes. “Fucking idiot,” he grumbles. “Tourists do not know how to drive.”

I glance in the side mirror and see a black convertible has stopped just behind us, blocking us in. “Maybe they’re just picking someone up.” It’s early enough that there’s still a lot of people out and about.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. The asshole is getting out of his car.” Kevin opens his door and leans out. “What the fuck? You’re double parked. Move your car–”

He cuts off as someone yanks open my door. A tall, incredibly sexy man with golden, tousled hair looks down at me. He’s wearing jeans and a denim shirt that is–big surprise–smudged with dirt. Boxing in Kevin’s Audi is his black Beamer convertible.

“Trevor? What are you doing here?”

“Yeah, Moretti, what the hell is going on?”

Trevor ignores Kevin. He looks at me and says, “Don’t go home with him Dom, please.”

“Trevor, I–”

“Fuck off, Moretti. You had your chance.”

“Kevin, if you don’t shut the fuck up, I’m going to come over there and beat the living shit out of you.”

The vehemence in his words sends goosebumps across my skin. Kevin takes a step back from his car.

Trevor leans down to look at me. “Hear me out, okay? Please?” His eyes are wild, yet determined. He’s never looked at me this way before.


“Okay?” He blinks, as though he’d been expecting an argument.

“Okay, I’ll hear you out.”

He nods, licking his lips nervously. “Look, you were right. I’ve been in a relationship with Elle these past two years, even though she’s gone. I couldn't let her go.”

Why is he saying this? “I know, Trevor. It’s okay–”

“No.” He cuts me off. “No, it’s not okay. I didn’t understand why until I met you. I didn’t realize how cut off I’d become from everyone and everything. It wasn’t until you drew that picture of me at Zeke’s that I saw for myself how sad my life had become.”

The other night, I would have paid money for him to rescue me from Kevin. Funny how things can change in a matter of days. I’ve realized I don’t need anyone to rescue me from my decisions.

“Trevor,” I ask, “what do you want from me?”

Trevor crouches down in front of the open door. He takes my hands in his, squeezing my fingers.

“I want you to know that when I’m with you, I forget all about Elle. I forget what it’s like to be sad and depressed and cut off, and all I can see is you.”

My heart buckles. All the moisture is sucked from my mouth. I try to find something to say, but words fail me.

“I didn’t know what it meant at first,” he says. “I was confused. I thought the feelings I had for you betrayed Elle’s memory. But that’s not the case.”

My chest constricts as I stare at him. “It’s not?” The words come out as a whisper.

He shakes his head. “It means I have a second chance at happiness. I never thought I’d find that again with anybody, but I see it every time I look at you. I feel it every time I think about you. I want you, Dom. I can be the man you deserve. Please, don’t leave with Kevin. Come home with me.”

Somewhere in the background, Kevin heaves an annoyed sigh. “What the fuck, Trev? Why didn’t you tell me you were into her? I wouldn’t have wasted my time if I knew she was a dead end.”

We ignore him.

“Come home with me,” Trevor whispers, gripping my hands so tightly that it hurts. “Please. Please come home with me.”