Page 101 of The Bad Girl List

“So,” I say, trying to dispel the silence that is so awkward it’s making me itch. “You only make this once a year?”

Trevor shrugs, as though to say he’s indifferent on the subject. “Every fall around the equinox, we fill the horns with fresh cow manure, then bury the horns in the vineyard for six months over winter. Winter is the time of year the earth is the most active, which supercharges the manure. In the spring, we dig up the horns and harvest the manure inside.” To illustrate his point, he extracts another chunk of manure.

Right as he does this, a sound reaches my ears.

I don’t hear an engine, because Teslas don’t make much noise, but I do hear the sound of tires crunching on rocky soil. A second later, a plume of dust spurts into the air.

A sick dread knots my stomach as I realize Tim is gone. The plastic bag with the burritos is still sitting on the picnic table.

“Tim?” Not caring that I look completely desperate, I run through the clearing, dodging around trees. Tequila hops after me, yapping loudly. “Tim?”

I burst out of the trees just in time to see the taillights of the black Tesla disappear around the corner.

“Tim!” I cup my hands around my mouth and shriek his name. “Tim, wait!”




I stare dumbly as Dom sprints through the clearing after my dad, Tequila on her heels. “Tim! Tim, wait!”

In her voice, I hear just how desperate she is to get away from me. I’d seen it in her face, too, but somehow, hearing it drives home just how shitty I’ve treated her.

That night we’d snuck into the pool, I’d gone after her body like a bull in rut. Less than five minutes later, I’d treated her like yesterday’s garbage.

She stops just past the treeline. Seeing her standing there, staring at the stream of dust kicked up by my father’s retreating car, compounds just how badly I fucked up.

And now my dad has decided to insert himself in the middle of my love life. Like Dom needs this drama when she’s on vacation.

Did he really just strand her in the vineyard with me? Why, yes. Yes, he did. With no cell service, and no way home without me.

Wishing I was just about anywhere but here, I force myself to walk to where Dominique stands in the sunlight, frantically tapping on her phone. By the time I reach her, she’s waving it around in the air.

“Is there a spot out here with reception? I need to call an Uber.” She refuses to look at me.

“There’s no cell service out here.”

“Are you kidding me?” She closes her eyes, tilting her face up toward the sun. “I am so stupid. I can’t believe I let him trick me like that.” She gives me a look that is full of loathing and humiliation. “What the hell did you say to him to make him think he needs to get involved in your relationships?”

Last night’s epic temper tantrum in my parent’s kitchen replays in my mind. Without a doubt, Dad processed that display and decided to do something about it. I’m not even entirely surprised he roped Dom into coming out here with him. When my dad sets his mind to something, he doesn’t let anything stand between him and what he wants. He’s the guy that always finds a way to yes.

My parents are just desperate enough that they probably consider this entire thing an intervention. Unfortunately, Dom is on the receiving end of their good intentions.

“Nevermind.” Dom rubs at her forehead. “I don’t care what you said to him. I need you to give me a ride back to town, please.”

I hate that things are like this between us, but I don’t know what to do about it. “Okay. My truck is over there.” I wave my hand in the vague direction and start walking.

Tequila hops between us as Dom trails along beside me. I think of the picture Thomas sent me last night, of her in that sexy dress with Kevin taking a body shot off her.

“Did you sleep with Kevin?” The words are out before I can think better of it.

She glares at me. “That’s none of your business.”

She’s right, of course, but her answer makes me angry. The thought of her with Kevin makes me want to drive over to his winery and beat the living shit out of him.

I decide to change the subject. I notice she’s in hiking boots and a pair of sexy shorts that shows off her legs.