Page 78 of The Bad Girl List

“I did his tattoo,” she says. “He was in the same school year as my younger brother. You know he lost a fiancée a few years ago, right?”

Jeez, Healdsburg really is a small town. “Yeah, he told me about the car accident.”

She looks me up and down, nodding thoughtfully. “He’s a good guy.” My skin twinges as she returns to her work. “Fucking hot as hell, too. I might have gone for him, but he’s a little too nice for my taste. You seem more his type.”

“He’s the one who recommended your tattoo shop.” I pause, about to say more, but I see Annika typing furiously into my phone. “What are you saying to him?”

“He wants to know if you’re still free tomorrow night for a swim.” The way she leans on the word tells me he’s referring to number eight, skinny-dipping.

My body goes cold, then hot as I think about skinny-dipping with Trevor.

He’s keeping his promise to help me with the Bad Girl List. Maybe he’s getting past whatever tangled him up last night? I feel an idiotic smile pulling at my lips.

“Swimming?” Chrissy says. “You can’t go swimming. You can’t soak your tattoo in water for at least two weeks.”

“What?” I stare at her, my mind spinning. Part of me is disappointed. Another part of me says to hell with the tattoo, I’m not missing out on a chance to go skinny-dipping with Trevor.

“She doesn’t have a choice,” Annika says. “If she doesn’t go skinny-dipping sometime during our vacation, she loses her bet with me.” I’m thankful she doesn’t spell out the gory details of the Bad Girl List.

Chrissy’s eyebrows climb. “What’s the bet?”

“She’ll let me move in with her rent free for six months,” I say.

“And she has a crush on Trevor,” Annika adds. “She really can’t miss this.”

I don’t deny it. Even knowing I probably look desperate, I nod vigorously to support everything Annika has just said.

“Hmmm.” Chrissy purses her lips in thought. “I don’t want Thomas to accuse me of being a cock blocker the next time I run into him, so okay–but you have to wrap the tattoo with saran wrap to keep it dry. Lots of saran wrap. And surgical tape. Can you do that?”

“Yes,” I say. “No problem. I won’t let it get wet, I promise.” I turn my attention to my cousin. “Annika, please give me my phone–”

“No way,” she says. “I’m not going to give you a chance to wreck things by being too nice. I’m letting him know about your prior engagement to get stoned with me, Minnie, and Thomas.”


“Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’m inviting him to go with us. He can take us swimming after that.”

“What’s he saying?” Chrissy asks. She seems to be enjoying the show.

“He’s in. He’ll grab a ride with Thomas and meet up with us after dinner.”

Trevor just asked me to go skinny-dipping with him tomorrow. My body responds to this with a surge between my legs and a tingling in my nipples. I carefully cross my ankles, hoping Chrissy can’t smell my arousal.

I remind myself not to get my hopes up. I’m not sure Trevor knows what he wants. At least he’s honoring his side of our deal to help me with the Bad Girl List. That means something. I tell myself that whatever happens–or doesn’t happen–that will be enough.




After dinner the next day, Thomas and I jump into his car and head into town to meet Dom, Minnie, and Annika.

I try to act casual, but I’m nervous as fuck. What do you say to someone after being a complete shithead? Is she as excited to see me as I am to see her?

Annika’s last text to me had been: If you can’t be nice to my cousin, don’t bother showing up tomorrow.

And then an hour later, a text had finally come from Dom. Sorry about Annika. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.