“I was serious when I said I think we have something.” I slide in and out of her as I say this, my movements restrained so I can make sure she’s paying attention.
“But I live in San Francisco.”
“We’re only two hours away from each other. We’ll figure it out. I’ll come down next weekend and see you.”
“You will?”
“Yes. And the weekend after that, you’ll come up here. Okay?” I emphasize this by slamming into her. “We’ll figure out the distance thing, okay?” I give her another hard thrust.
“I want that. I want you, Trevor.”
The way she says that–I want you–it unravels me. I fall into her, the last vestiges of my restraint shredding. I ride her hard and fast, hooking her legs over my shoulders and driving myself deep into her.
When she comes, her pussy spasms around me. Her body rocks under the onslaught of her orgasm. I come so hard that I see stars behind my eyes. When my vision finally clears, all I can see is Dominique Chen, lying on my pillow and smiling up at me.
Crazy for You
The next morning, after breakfast and a hot shower, Trevor zips me back into my dress. My bra is in the trash can, unusable after he ripped out the snaps, but luckily the fabric of the dress is thick enough to keep me covered.
“You owe me another set of underwear,” I tease.
“I’ll take you shopping next weekend when I visit you.” He pulls me into a tight hug. “I wish you could stay longer.”
His words ignite warm flutters inside me. I slide my arms around his neck. “We have to check out of the VRBO by ten. I’d stay longer if I could.”
“I know.” He leans back to look at me. “Does your family know about your ex yet?”
I notice he avoids using Oliver’s name. I nod. “It came out that day your dad took me up to see you. Mom saw you drop me off and things kind of unraveled. She thought I was cheating on Oliver.”
“How did they take it when you told them the truth?” His eyes are intense and focused on my face. “You said your parents really liked him.”
“Well, after the initial blow up, I found out my parents didn’t like Oliver very much at all. In fact, none of my family was very fond of him.” I tell him about the messages they put on the pancakes. “They thought they were just supporting me this whole time.”
“So you stayed with your ex because you thought your parents loved him, and your parents acted like they loved your ex because they thought you loved him.” He scowls, hands tightening around my waist. “Basically, that jackass stayed in your life for no good reason.”
“You can say his name, Trevor.”
“Nah. I like jackass better.” He kisses my forehead. “I bet he didn’t even take you to your favorite taco truck very often.”
I laugh. “No, he didn’t.”
“Do you want to go there next weekend when I visit?”
“Um, sure.” I don’t mean to hesitate before replying, but Trevor notices.
“Dom?” He tilts up my chin, forcing me to look at him. “What’s bothering you?”
I search his eyes, weighing the pros and cons of saying what’s on my mind.
“Dom, you’re on a roll. You told your family the truth about your ex. You told me the truth about what you need from a relationship. Don’t stop being honest now.”
Trevor is right. Honesty has always been hard for me when it comes to people’s feelings, but I’ve made big strides in the past week. I don’t want to ruin my streak.
“I’m not like Elle.” It makes me uncomfortable to say those words, but I force them out. “From everything you’ve told me about her, she and I would have been polar opposites. How can you be sure that what we have won’t fizzle out in a month or two?”