“I don’t think she’d pick up the references.”

My stranger smiles. “Doubtful.”

A few seconds of silence pass between us before I amp up my stranger’s identity and learn what a blind date should be like. “I’ll give you back your ten bucks if you tell me your name.”

She sinks her teeth into her plush bottom lip and, fuck me, this woman is downright sexy as hell. “Molly.”

I scoff in disbelief at the basic-ass name. “Bullshit.”

“Bet?” Her brows lift with confidence which, obviously, she knows her own damn name.



“How does someone that looks like she fucks dudes to death on the regular conjure up the name Molly?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “My parents were a little, let’s just say…safe.”

“And are you?”

Molly lifts her drink in salute to me. “I’m sitting here with a stranger for a hundred bucks that I’m not going to take, just hold. You tell me.”

“I think I may have substituted the saint for the sinner.”

“More fun that way don’t you think?” she asks me over the rim of her glass before taking a small sip.

I can’t help but want to continue and play along with this little flirtatious game. I got nothing else better to fucking do and I’m sure as hell not going back to my empty house when something more interesting just popped up.

“Could be,” I deadpan.

Molly licks her lips. “You know…my mama told me about men like you.”

“Oh really?” I lean against the bartop. “And what did she say?”

“Men with tattoos are the absolute devil. And they will destroy all your morals.”

“I’ve shattered a few.”

“Any good ones?”

“Not that I cared about.”

Molly leans forward a bit and, I don’t know if she notices, but she’s looking to learn really quickly if she doesn’t stop. “How many hearts have you broken along with those broken morals?”

“I don’t stick around long to find out,” I reply honestly. “My work keeps me busy.”

She lifts her chin and then drops it. “Ah, a fuckboy.”

Her voice isn’t accusing, but I find myself defending my actions anyway.

“A good time,” I retort. “I don’t promise anything.”

“Well, at least there’s that. I’m sure that’s not well received afterward, though.”

“I’d have to be around to witness that.”

Molly pushes out one of her cheeks with her tongue. “Mhm…you sneak out.”