Desperation clawed at his restraint. “I have credits, and I’m not leaving without supplies.”

The dealer crossed his arms. “Double price for your type.”

Rage simmered in his gut, but he nodded briskly. The man grinned, showing rotten teeth. Minutes later, Quillin’s arms overflowed with stolen meds as he rushed back to the dingy hotel. He burst into the room, kicking the door shut behind him.

Briana was trembling on the bed. At the sight of him, she tried to push herself upright only to fall back with a stifled groan.

“Don’t move.” He knelt beside her, carefully peeling back the seared fabric surrounding the wound. Briana flinched as he cleaned away congealed blood with antiseptic wipes. “Almost done.”

With delicate motions, he debrided damaged tissue and sealed leaking blood vessels with a cauterizing pen. Briana’s face glistened with sweat, and her teeth were gritted against the pain.

He maintained a steady stream of reassuring words as he worked. Once the wound was cleaned and closed, he activated the regenerator, holding the biostimulating laser over her leg. As the device worked to regenerate healthy skin and muscle tissue, Briana’s taut body gradually relaxed. Her breathing evened out, and her eyes drifted closed.

Quillin monitored the regenerator’s progress closely. “Just a bit more,” he murmured. When it finally beeped completion, he set it aside with a heavy sigh.

She gave him a tired smile. “Thank you.”

He gently squeezed her hand, overcome with relief that she was safe. “I’m just glad I could help. How are you feeling?”

She stood up gingerly to test her leg, wincing slightly. “Sore, but much better thanks to you.”

He nodded, re-examining the newly regenerated skin again. “The wound is sealed, and your vitals look stable. You should stay off that leg for a while though.” He met her eyes. “I’m so sorry you got hurt. It’s my fault for putting you in harm’s way.”

Briana shook her head firmly. “You saved my life. I chose to come with you, remember?” She gave him a tired but reassuring smile. “We’re in this together now.”

Her forgiveness soothed his battered spirit. She was far stronger than she knew. He gently brushed a stray curl off her forehead. “You should rest. I’ll keep watch and make sure you’re safe.”

She needed no second urging, weariness pulling her quickly back to the bed and even faster into sleep. He settled on the bed beside her, every sense poised to protect his wounded mate through the night. He wouldn’t fail her again.

Exhaustion eventually overtook him as he kept his silent vigil over her sleeping form. Despite his best efforts, his head drooped forward, eyes slipping closed as sleep embraced him. He jolted awake sometime later to a gentle sensation along his jaw. Still disoriented, he blinked groggily to find her gazing down at him, her fingers trailing lightly over his skin.

The first hints of dawn filtered through the grimy window, casting everything in hues of blue and gray. She gave him a soft, sleepy smile. “Hi,” she whispered.

He straightened, shaking off the last vestiges of sleep. “Hi, yourself. How are you feeling?”

“Much better.” She shifted to sit beside him, wincing only slightly. Her fingers returned to tracing the lines of his face as she regarded him thoughtfully.

He remained very still, transfixed by her touch. A low rumbling purr escaped him when she stroked the black horns protruding from the sides of his head. It was a particularly erogenous zone in his species, though she likely didn’t know that.

When she finally spoke, her words stole his breath.

“I’ve made my decision,” she murmured. “After everything we’ve been through, I can’t deny what’s between us. We’re meant to be together. I want to be your mate.”

Joy and relief surged within his chest. Unable to form words, he drew Briana into his arms. She came willingly, tucking her head beneath his chin with a contented sigh.