Page 82 of Stuck With You

I grab his hands, squeezing them tight and planting a soft kiss on his lips. ‘In ten minutes, you’ll be able to breathe a sigh of relief because this will all be over. Enjoy it. This is what you’ve worked so hard for. Alright? You did it. You completed your first documentary and somehow got your mother onto the national New Year’s Eve coverage. I am so proud of you, and at midnight, I will be kissing the hell out of you.’

River smiles, his hands now on either side of my neck. ‘I like that. You are amazing. Pay attention while I’m up there, alright? I’ll never remember what I said.’

‘I’m recording the whole thing,’ I remind him, flashing my phone.

This is the second time today he’s told me to pay attention while he’s up there. I’m dying inside. There is zero way he’s doing something crazy like proposing because we both agree that a proposal before you’ve been together at least a year is a mistake. We’re happy where we are and not looking to rush through every phase. That said, I’m nervous as hell.

Penny is the last performance before the ball drops, so the national news station airing this decided to give her a big chunk of time. Apparently, half the news staff were Penny Candy fans in their younger years, and they’re excited to have her second-chance debut on the show.

We are all wearing Penny Candy merch to make things more fun, and the band will count down to the ball drop within seconds of her performance.

‘What do you think he’s going to say?’ Laney asks.

‘Maybe he’ll ask you to move in with him?’ Hollyn suggests. ‘That’s what Brooks did with Mercy, and look at them. Happy as clams those two.’

Mercy and Brooks couldn’t be here tonight because she’s performing with Dylan somewhere else, and he’s at work. New Year’s is wild, so all cops were called on duty.

‘Nah. He hasn’t quite charmed Spike yet, so we want to wait until I can uncage the sweary bird and not risk him biting off one of River’s fingers or something.’

Laney laughs. ‘I think Spike thinks you’re his girlfriend. Maybe Riv is popping the question?’

‘Nope. I can’t be the girl who’s had that question asked twice in one year, and he agrees with me.’

‘Oh, I hope it’s something good,’ Hollyn says. ‘I’m going to go find Dax. I must kiss my man at midnight so our wedding isn’t jinxed.’

Hollyn and I have become pretty good friends. She’s sweet, shares many traits that River does, and she’s so in love with Dax, a real sweetheart. They get married this upcoming Valentine’s Day, and I’ve been asked to be a bridesmaid along with Mercy, the maid of honor. I’m so excited. This will be my first time as a bridesmaid! I feel like a part of the family even though River and I have only been together a few months.

And… my dad loves River. He’s questioned his outfits more than once, but all he ever wanted was for someone to look at me the same way he looked at my mom, and River does that.

‘I’m going to find Dad and Thomas,’ Laney says. ‘I’ll cross my fingers that whatever River wants you to pay attention to is good and not him strutting the stage in a new pair of obnoxious underwear or something.’

I laugh. I wouldn’t be opposed to that, but I don’t want to share my man with the world in that way. Oh, there he is. I pull my phone up and hit record.

‘Hello, PDX!’ River says into the mic, looking more nervous than ever. ‘You guys begged and pleaded, and so here she is, Penny Candy, back for a brand-new tour starting next year. Tonight they’ll release their new single, and tomorrow it’ll be available wherever you buy your music. But before they get started, I did want to say one thing. In the crowd is a woman so beautiful I can’t look away. Jade, this has been the best time in my life with you by my side, and I just want you to know I love you so freaking much.’

The crowd around us awes, looking for wherever this Jade girl is. Luckily he didn’t request a spotlight to reveal me. I giggle, watching him say the exact thing I was going to say to him tonight.

‘Now put your hands together for a brand-new Penny Candy!’ he yells into the mic, clapping his hands above his head and jogging off the stage towards the VIP section where I am.

When the band starts to play, he approaches me, stopping before me.

‘Please tell me you got that?’ he says, pointing to my camera.

I nod. ‘I did, and yet again, you read my mind because I planned to say the exact same thing at the stroke of midnight.’

‘That I’m the most beautiful boy in the world?’ he jokes.

‘No, well, yes, but I wanted to tell you that I’ve fallen and never want to get up.’

He looks deliriously happy right now. ‘So have I. In fact, I’ve fallen so hard it’s a little scary.’

‘Me too. But I’m not scared.’


I shake my head. ‘How could I ever be scared of someone I love so much?’

‘I do love you,’ he says to my face, kissing my forehead sweetly.