Page 26 of Stuck With You

He grins shyly. ‘You have no idea how much I appreciate that.’

‘It’s no problem,’ I say casually. ‘I have this rule, no matter what the truth is, if I run into an ex, I’m happier than he is. Basically, I talk until he seems irritated. So, I went with that technique. If she’s happy, you’re happier.’ I glance back through the glass wall to see Caitlin staring our way. ‘Just play the part, sweetheart.’ I link my arm through his, planting a kiss on his cheek.

‘Are you serious?’ he asks, surprise in his voice. ‘You’re just going to help me out? What happened to Conner is the best man ever?’

‘Conner has gone radio silent. That’s actually why I invited you here tonight.’

‘Oh yeah?’

I nod. ‘We can talk about that later, though. For now, dish on Caitlin. What’s the story, morning glory?’

‘Nope,’ he says through a nervous chuckle. ‘I’ve forbidden myself from ever reliving that story. Let’s just say Caitlin and I were in a relationship for a few years in college. Things were…’ He hesitates as though he’s picturing it and it’s not great. ‘So good, progressing the way relationships do. Or so I thought. Unexpectedly a string of lies and misfortunes created the perfect storm, along with the most volatile break-up I’ve ever had. Until tonight, I haven’t seen her since.’

‘Yikes,’ I say, pulling an onion ring off the stack. ‘So, we hate Caite. I’m on board.’

He laughs softly, shoving fries into his mouth possibly to prevent any more talking. For the next few minutes, the two of us focus on our food and drinks.

Finally, I lift my drink. ‘We need to make a toast, considering she’s over there watching us.’

‘Excellent idea.’

‘To your heartbreak and living through seeing her again. Love bites, that much I know.’

River lifts his drink, tapping it to mine. ‘Def Leppard themselves couldn’t have said it better,’ he says, casually glancing around the room, a sadness falling over him when his gaze reaches Caitlin’s table.

This woman broke his heart. It’s all over his face. I hardly know the guy but I already don’t like her just because she hurt this sweetheart of a man. Is this how he feels about Conner? If so, I guess I get it now.



‘Wanna share an Uber?’ I ask, figuring, why not? Save us both some money.

‘That’s almost as good as the coupon you refused to let me use.’

‘You saved me from catching up with a part of my life I never wanted to rethink. The least I could do is pay for our anti-date. Which, by the way, is something I usually avoid at all costs, voluntarily paying. You must be special,’ I say with a wink.

We’re standing outside the restaurant; she’s in her squirrel-skin coat and looks adorable in the ridiculous thing. Even her purse is quirky. Red lips. I love it.

‘I’m the most special girl ever, don’t you know?’ she asks with a laugh.

‘Has your boyfriend ever called you special?’ I’m just curious.

‘Fiancé,’ she corrects me. ‘And no.’ The words leave her lips softly, almost regretfully.

I frown, shaking my head with disappointment. I want to tell her to dump that tool, but she’s still holding on to him like she’s all in, and I’m not sure why, considering the red flags are waving in the wind like a damn tornado is approaching.

Once our car arrives, we both get into the back seat, strapping on our seat belts.

‘To her place first,’ I say, wanting to ensure she gets home safely.

‘I didn’t expect you to be such a gentleman if I’m honest.’

‘Why not?’ I ask. ‘Am I not when I’m at the bar?’

‘No, you are, to me. But I thought you were being polite, so I didn’t spit in your drink.’

I laugh out loud. ‘You do that?’