Page 17 of Stuck With You

I grin. ‘It’s a plan, and I even have your number already,’ I tease.

He shouted his number to me as he left the bar one night after he’d said all the right words when I was having a rough go of things. We’ve never talked about that night, and I assumed it was because he was so intoxicated he didn’t remember. But based on the look on his face right now, I’d say he may remember more than I thought he did. Life got so busy and traumatizing that I never brought it up, and neither did he.

His eyebrows shoot up his forehead, a hint of humiliation on his face. I’d think he was blushing if it wasn’t so dark in here.

‘You need a ride home?’ I ask.

He shakes his head. ‘I’m only a couple blocks that way. Lock your doors, and do not call him again. Make him call you. He needs to work for it to prove he’s really into you, ’cause, as of now, I’m not convinced, and I think you deserve better. Trust me, I’ve fucked up enough with women to learn all the lessons.’

‘I find that hard to believe, but there you go with the sweet words again. Thank you.’

The way he bows as though he’s proud of himself is cute. He backs away from my car as I pull out, shoving his headphones back into his ears and doing a little dance, swaying his hips and waving his arms in front of my car, making me laugh, before running out of the garage towards the street. He is a good distraction.



I am again at Mr. Tux for wedding suit fashion show number three. It’s getting a little old. They’re suits; how many options could there be? I don’t see the difference in any of them, and I’m not allowed to bring my style into this because Hollyn thinks my attraction to all things colorful is ridiculous. I say she’s just dull.

I’ll never know how I snuck this velvety blue masterpiece in without her demanding I put it back, but I did, and now that I’ve got it on, I’m in love with it. I’ve paired it with the black slacks of the previous suit, and I have to say, it looks as good on me as it did on that Chris Evans fella. I pull my hair into a ponytail to look more put together, glancing at myself in the mirror from all angles. Damn. This blue brings out my eyes so much, even I can see it, and that’s a good pitch point. If I want to wear the suit jacket Hollyn’s banned, I’m gonna have to sell it.

The fitting rooms here are three separate curtained-off rooms within one large room, with a sitting area in the middle so parties have a little privacy from rando shoppers. I’m in one fitting room, Dax is in another, and Jake is in the third. Jake is a good friend of Dax’s who will be playing the part of groomsman alongside me as the best man. Hollyn sits outside our rooms, impatiently waiting for us to impress her.

‘This one is nice,’ Jake says confidently from his dressing room.

‘You’ve said that about all of them,’ Dax mumbles.

‘Well? It is nice,’ Jake defends himself. ‘What do you think, Riv?’

‘I think I fucking love it,’ I say, straightening my tie before exiting the room to answer questions. To get Hollyn’s approval, I gotta look perfect.

‘You love it?’ Hols asks, sounding relieved. ‘These are the ones; I just know it,’ she says without seeing what I’m wearing.

She uses that ‘these are the ones’ line each time she coaxes us out of the dressing rooms. They’ve yet to be the ones, but I feel like I’m about to change that. The three of us guys exit our dressing rooms simultaneously, and immediately both Jake’s and Dax’s heads snap my way.

‘What the hell?’ Jake’s gaze lands on my suit jacket. ‘I thought we weren’t allowed colors? If that’s changed, I want that plum jacket we saw when we walked in.’

Hollyn stands, looking me over. ‘How did you get this past me?’

‘As your little brother, I get a lot of shit past you,’ I say, admiring my reflection as I adjust the jacket. ‘I love this one.’

Hols runs her fingertips over the fabric at my bicep, then glances at Dax, a clenched-tooth grin on her face. ‘Jeesh, first he picks my wedding dress, now this? Have you ever considered being a wedding planner?’

‘Not once.’

‘I like it,’ she says to Dax, her tone perplexed as if I’m not good at picking out anything, as she lifts her shoulders.

‘I know you’re not supposed to steal the show from the groom, but dayum, I look hot as hell.’ I do a spin, catching Dax rolling his eyes.

‘Ew,’ Hols says. ‘You’re my brother, so hot as hell isn’t in my vocab when it comes to you. However, I do like the blue. It pops.’

‘Perfect, ’cause I’m buying it, and I plan on wearing it to the wedding whether you like it or not.’

Hollyn bites her bottom lip, glancing at Dax, who lifts his shoulders. They have a lot of silent conversations these days.

‘You decide,’ he says.

‘We’re deciding this now? If so, wait!’ Jake says, suddenly fleeing towards the front of the building. When he returns, he’s wearing the plum-colored jacket (it looks fantastic), and he carries an obnoxiously floral print that screams Dax’s name. ‘I feel like we should stick with your floral essence, considering how you two got together.’