Page 76 of Stuck With You

‘This is the exact one I wanted, and somehow River bought it for his ex years ago. We have so much in common, even this ring style. Of course, I have to return it soon because it’s full of bad luck. His ex left him at the altar five years ago. Who does that? Anyway, I’m rambling. River plans to sell it when I’m done learning my lesson, but he was right. What I experienced last night was what I’d always dreamed of, and what I felt telling people about Conner’s proposal wasn’t the same. If someone truly loves you enough to propose, they are prepared. They know your full name.’ I glance at Dad who grins slightly. ‘Anyway, that’s what wearing the ring taught me.’

He chuckles, moving to the couch beside me, throwing his arm around me, and hugging me against his side. ‘Jade, sweets. I have another question. Have you ever spent all night nursing someone back to health who wasn’t important to you?’

‘Are you kidding? I stayed with Laney while she had chicken pox in college, which meant I got it too.’

‘Funny, funny girl you are. But I’m serious,’ he says with a severe stare to prove it.

I shrug. ‘I mean Thomas, that one time. And Mom, I helped with her.’

‘You did,’ he confirms. ‘Thomas, Laney, and your mom are important people in your life, right?’


‘Hon, I think River has become important to you. How would you feel if he suddenly disappeared?’


‘Let that sink in while I grab some drinks, alright?’

I rub my temples while he’s gone. Losing River, even though I don’t actually ‘have him’ would make me feel horrible. Pieces of my heart would be all over the city and I’m sure I wouldn’t smile as often because no one makes me smile like he does.




I sit straight up when it hits me. Once again, I hold my left hand in front of my face. There it is. A big, sparkling, cursed promise, sitting on the one finger that screams, ‘Here’s your sign.’

Dad walks back into the room, two bottles of his favorite 2 Brothers Brew in his hands, and it’s not even noon.

‘You think River is my “one”?’

He chuckles. ‘Do you look at him the way you’re looking at that ring?’ he asks, handing me a bottle and sitting back in his chair.

Do I? I probably did the night he was in his underwear. ‘Maybe?’

‘As ridiculous as all this sounds, think about it. You two had an almost kiss before Conner even entered your life. And since then, he’s always been there for you; happily, it seems.’

‘He has. Truthfully, I’d like to spend every second with him,’ I say confidently. I glance at Dad. ‘Now what?’

‘Now, breaking up with Conner would be your first step.’

Eh, the thought of it makes my insides swirl. I don’t know why; he’s made it so easy. At this point, it would take a two-minute conversation, and we’d be over – the engagement canceled. But something about doing it hurts my insides, and I think it’s to do with having those expectations for the future crumble away when something big falls apart – but finding something bigger and better? That alone makes the pain worth it.



It took me all night, but I have a plan. A plan to prove to Jade that I’m the guy for her. Is it too soon, considering she hasn’t even dumped Corndog yet? Maybe. But I can’t wait any longer because I can’t risk missing my moment again.

I’m wearing her favorite cologne and my best Penny Candy vintage band tee. My hair is pulled up; I’m wearing my wedding suit jacket (Hollyn will be pissed if she knows; Mom told her I wore it before and I got the lecture of a lifetime. But she’ll never find out) that brings out the blue in my eyes and my fave skinny jeans. I went a little less obnoxious than my usual rainbow of skinny jeans and just stuck with black. I decided to skip the long jacket as, while they may have been popular in the eighties, now they scream ‘school shooter’ (’Merica), and that’s not the vibe I want here. I need to woo this girl hard because that’s what she deserves.

The shop door dings open, and Mom doesn’t even look up from the front counter, tapping away on her laptop. ‘Welcome to Penny Candy Records,’ she says robotically. It’s her greeting for the shop. We all say it.

‘Thank you, I need to borrow some shit.’

Her brows squish together as I round the front counter to the back room. She follows closely behind me. ‘Borrow what? And why are you here?’