Page 5 of Stuck With You

When the joint gets busier, I decide to feel Conner out. What could a little conversation hurt? He already thinks I like him. I turn on my stool, now facing him. ‘So, you worried about leaving her ringless alone in a city full of hipsters looking for love?’

He turns my way, doing that Justin Beiber head flip to fix his hair without hands –yet I’m the hipster. ‘Perfect lead-in; it’s like you read my mind. I wanted to ask you something. You two are friendly; maybe you could keep an eye on her for me while I’m gone?’

I stare at him, confusion probably all over my face. Did he seriously just ask me that? A guy he’s met a handful of times, who mostly comes to this place to chat with his new fiancée? You don’t ask another dude to look out for your woman unless she’s family. It’s like, cardinal bro code.

‘You’re asking me to watch your fiancée?’

‘I’d ask her family, but they don’t love me. I have a feeling they’ll be pushing her to dump me while I’m gone.’

Really? Guy fucked up, did he? I want to ask why, but I think I know. He’s just a douche. How doesn’t she see it?

‘Jade doesn’t need babysitting. She’s a grown woman,’ I remind him.

He drops his head with frustration. ‘This I know, man-bun.’ The way he says this as a slam makes me want to knock him off his stool. I won’t, but let it be noted I want to. ‘She likes talking to you for whatever reason, and you don’t seem like you’ve got much going on being a barfly and all.’ He reaches inside his jacket, pulls out a business card, and hands it to me. ‘With residency taking up all my time, I may often be out of reach. Text me if she’s got any real issues. Deal?’

Any real issues? What’s that mean? I stare at his card. Conrad Francis Walsh III. Jesus, this guy is as lame as they come. He just called me a barfly with nothing going on, yet he wants me to ‘watch his lady’ when he’s too busy to care. It seems like something an absolute moron would do, but alright. Jade’s the coolest girl I know, not one part of me wants to say no to this – besides that part that knows if I say yes, she’ll somehow find out and shit will blow up. I’m a movie guy, I know exactly what kind of situation that would present. Thing is, I’m not telling Conner this. He doesn’t get a yes or a no. Just his word against mine.

‘Also, could you not tell her any of this? I don’t want it to seem like I don’t trust her. You know?’

I nod. Jesus, this guy is making it easy. I wish I was recording this conversation. ‘Obviously,’ I say as if I’m on board, slipping his card into my back pocket. ‘Consider her in safe hands.’

He laughs, nodding as if we have something in common – we both like Jade.

* * *

The city is dark when Mercy and I leave the bar. Lights from buildings around us sparkle like stars, and not many folks are on the streets like they are during the day. Summer is coming to a close; it’s jacket weather, as the evenings are starting to get cold in the pacific northwest.

‘He asked you to babysit her?’ Mercy balks, clearly offended for Jade, as we walk back to our apartments directly across the street from one another.

I’ve known Mercy since I was a kid. She’s a bonus sister I never wanted. Hollyn, my actual sister, and she have been BFFs since they were in grade school. After Hols and my best friend, Dax, got engaged and took over my apartment, Mercy and I decided to be roomies. It worked well until Brooks swept the girl off her feet, and now she’s playing house in his apartment across the street.

‘That’s weird to ask a guy you don’t know. Is he aware you’re attracted to her?’

‘Pretty sure everyone who goes to Black Tide is attracted to her.’

She laughs.

‘How would you feel if Brooks asked Dylan to watch you while he was unavailable and only contact him with the real issues?’

Her jaw drops as she stops mid-step. ‘He said that? Offense on the field, sir.’

I nod.

‘Pffttt, what a cock-monger. I knew something seemed off about him. Did you see her face when we asked to see her ring? Who proposes without a ring?’

‘Conrad Francis Walsh, the third.’

Mercy giggles. ‘That’s his full name? Jesus, what were his parents thinking? To answer your earlier question, though, Brooks would never be that stupid. He knows I can take care of myself, plus he’d never be so unavailable that if something was wrong, I couldn’t get a hold of him.’

‘That’s how you know he truly loves you,’ I say.

‘Exactly,’ she says with a bit of a bashful grin. She’s still getting used to this whole ‘love’ thing. ‘Poor Jade. She’s such a sweet girl. What are you going to do?’

‘Well.’ I shove my hands into the pockets of my jeans as we walk the city sidewalks illuminated by the moon and the streetlights. ‘I guess I’m gonna keep an eye on her, and when I spot the red flags coming from across the country, I’ll tell her.’

‘Gently, Riv,’ Mercy suggests. ‘Jade seems softer than the rest of us, and I know how you are – brutally honest.’

‘At times, though, I do have manners too.’