“Key word stopped,” Jaxon says. “I won’t be missing any more tournaments. My dear cousin will have to go back to being second best.”

“You must mean Cole, Ash, or Kai,” Health says strolling through the front doors with the aforementioned Forester cousins in tow.

All four are carrying an absurd amount of beer.

“Sorry for the overkill,” Heath says as they rest the cases on the kitchen floor and Ash begins piling a few cans into the fridge. “But we’re going to need it.”

Before I can ask why, Jaxon moves to the center of the living room.

“Now that everyone’s here, let’s move outside to the grill and eat. I have an announcement.”

“I’ve never seen Jaxon so damn happy,” Cali grins. “He’s practically glowing. You’ve brought that light back into his eyes, Ayla.”

“I’ll say,” Emmy nods. “A housewarming party, billiards night, and now an announcement. It’s like Jaxon is a whole new person.”

“No,” I shake my head. “It’s like he’s the old Jaxon again.”

Cali nods tearfully and sniffles. “Must be the hormones,” she says as Beau comes over and rubs her stomach. They’re having twin boys in five months.

I go to join them at a picnic table on the deck when Jaxon stops me.

“Come here, butterfly.”

I swoon at the nickname. It still hasn’t gotten old.

I flit to his side and into his arms as he embraces me.

“You flew into my life and then out of it to explore. I wanted you to explore, but I took your wings for granted. I was so convinced that you’d fly forward and settle in some far-off place that I never considered the fact that you could fly back. Five months ago you flew back to me and asked me to keep you. Not trap you, but keep you at my side.”

His arms fall from my waist as he slides down onto one knee and pulls out a black velvet box. By the time he opens it to reveal a princess-cut diamond, I’m already shaking.

I grip his shoulders just to stay upright.

“I want us to officially become each other’s keepers. Ayla, butterfly, will you marry me?”

Tears spring to my eyes and it’s not solely because I’m going to spend forever with my love. It’s because there isn’t one drop of hesitation, anxiety, or worry etched onto Jaxon’s ruggedly handsome face. He’s smiling up at me, already knowing I’ll never backtrack on my promise.

“Yes.” I manage to answer between a cry, laugh, and squeal of excitement as he slips the ring onto my finger.

The sound of our families’ cries, screams, and congratulations are drowned out the moment Jaxon scoops me into his arms and his lips meet mine. It’s like we’re in our own little bubble.

But when we finally pull apart, I realize that’s because we are. Jaxon had carried me back into the house, and into the hallway.

Outside I can hear our guests still celebrating, but they give us our moment alone.

“I want to soak in the moment with just us,” Jaxon says, pressing another kiss to my lips. “But I wanted to ask in front of our entire family because I knew you’d say yes, and I wanted everyone to know the moment you officially became mine.”

“I’ve always been yours,” I say, running a hand through his dark hair. But as I lean in to kiss him again, a door catches my attention. “Take me into the nursery and don’t flinch at that word.”

Jaxon was still a bit touchy about it, despite my reassurances that I didn’t think he was a ‘weirdo’ for creating it prematurely.

A question’s already forming in his icy gaze but he obliges, slipping us into the room and shutting the door as I slide to my feet.

“Why are we in here?” he asks, but the moment I place my hand on my lower stomach he’s already at my feet. “No.” he shakes his head clutching my hips as I nod frantically.

“A baby? We’re having a baby?”

I can barely get the words out between my tears of happiness as Jaxon rests his head against my front, and I cradle it. “We’re having a baby.”