“What’s not a problem?”
I turn to see Cali standing behind me. She’s short and curvy with thick black hair and eyes as blue and clear as the morning sky.
“Helping to transfer the groceries,” Beau says, getting to his feet and running a hand through his hair.
I bite back a chuckle as he only makes it worse.
As Levi hands me Sunny, Beau shoots him a look over his shoulder. “It’s probably a small load. I’ve got it.”
Levi’s eyebrows shoot up as Beau places a hand on the small of Cali’s back, guiding her up the rocky pathway toward the front of the property. “He wants to be alone with Cali,” he says, a revelation in his tone. “How didn’t I see that coming?”
I never told Levi my suspicions. After all, it was just a hunch. Cali and I were best friends, but she’d been just as tight-lipped about Beau as I’d been about Levi, so I left it alone.
“You were too busy trying to coordinate real measurements to my drawings,” I say, as Sunny loses interest in eating and sneaks Wolf small chunks of roast instead.
When it’s all gone, we follow the happy pair into the framed cabin. Wolf keeps a good eye on Sunny as they walk in circles in the dining room where Levi and I can see them from the kitchen. Through the massive window that will overlook my farm-style sink, the sky’s already getting traces of orange and pink.
“All of our dreams are coming true, My,” Levi says, locking his arms around me and rocking us as Sunny squeals in the background. “I told you we’d be standing in this kitchen someday and that day’s coming soon. I can already see it. Us cooking, your belly round again, Sunny and Wolf making a ruckus in the living room.”
I peer up into his big green eyes and he stares down at me, his blond locks a few inches longer now, draping over my shoulder. “You’ve already made all of my dreams come true Li,” I say. “Anything extra is just icing.”
“Speaking of,” Levi says, placing a kiss on my lips, his hardening length already digging into my back. “What’s for dessert?”
As Sunny and Wolf bound into the kitchen and Cali’s laugh drifts through the open framework, I smile.
“I’ll serve it to you back at the lodge,” I promise him with a kiss.
The End