Page 25 of Sweets of Summer

"Remember when I told you, you'd be a bitch in a ditch? Time to pay up, sweetheart. Nobody gets away with making me look like a fool, especially not a used up slut like you, Cynthia. You could've prevented this if you would've just come home to me. It's too late now."

Before I even had a chance to fully stand up or say anything, I felt his arm wrap around my throat and the cold steel of a knife on the side of my face.

“Move,” he hissed, pushing me toward the bathrooms. Why did everyone else have to be gone from here? He pushed us into the back, the bathroom door swinging as he tugged me tighter, the pressure on my throat sending a jolt of panic through me.

This was it? This was how he was going to end me?

Not if I had anything to say about it.

"No!” I screamed. Get off me!" I wiggled out of his hold as much as I could and elbowed him in the gut, but I wasn't fast enough. I felt the pain on my cheek and the blood running down the side of my face as he stumbled back.

I may love horror movies, but when it was real life, I panicked. Before everything went black, I saw Nich and Spencer burst through the door, charging toward Stefan. My legs gave out on me. Before I knew it, Dana was falling to her knees beside me.

"I'm so sorry, Cindy. We should've never left you in here. I'm so fucking sorry.” She held onto me so tight, it almost hurt. “The boys got him. You're safe now. You're safe, Cindy."

I didn’t completely pass out. Probably because my body was so amped up on aggression and the feeling of murder, so I yelled, "You stupid son of a bitch! You got blood on my favorite shirt!" Yeah, I might have been a little delirious. Who the hell cared about a damn shirt, when you’ve just been knifed in the face? Me. That's who. Trying to break up all the panic in the air, I supposed. In reality, I was freaking out, and my face was on fire.

Dana helped me up off the ground, and I lunged at Stefan, kicking him as hard as I could in the side. Yes, he was already on the ground in cuffs, but playing fair went out the window years ago. He rolled onto his back and hissed and spit at me, like the snake he was.

"That's for being a piece of shit, woman beater!"

Dana came from behind me and kicked him in the balls. Hard. So hard, he spit blood this time. That's my fucking ride or die, people!

"That's for hurting my best friend, you asshole!"

Spencer grabbed the two of us, before we started beating on Stefan some more. I mean, for fuck sake, he deserved it. And no one would see it…

"Let's go get some fresh air, ladies, shall we? Nich will take care of the trash. It's what he gets paid to do, after all. Plus, you need to get checked out by the medics, sweets. Or did you forget you're bleeding all over the place?"

“Medics, how—”

“Nich radioed for them when we heard you scream,” Dana said, tears in her eyes. “I’m so sorry.”

We got outside as an ambulance siren called out. I leaned against Spencer, my body shaking with adrenaline. And a little anger. My attention was drawn from the parking vehicle when I heard Dana arguing with someone on her phone. No clue who she could be yelling at, seeing how most of us were already here.

The medic helped me into the ambulance and got to work cleaning my cheek. It seemed I might need a few stitches. I refused to go to the hospital. So against his better judgment, the poor medic I was being pissy with agreed to put steri-strips on it until I could go see my doctor. By the looks Spencer and Dana were giving me, that may be sooner than I wanted.

"Ma'am, please go have yourself thoroughly checked out when you're able. We wouldn't want you getting an infection. I'm also going to need you to sign this waiver refusing the ride to the hospital."

I got it the first time, buddy. I signed the paper with a sigh. I was damn lucky it wasn't worse. It could have been my throat… I knew in my heart that Stefan wasn't going to just sit idle forever, but in a public place like this?

He liked to be an angel in the public eye and let his devil out in private. Most abusers played by those rules. Guess he’d finally lost it all together. Least it’s over now.

"Cindy! Here. Talk to Brenna. She isn't going to quit squawking at me until she knows you're alive. She thinks you're dead, for criminy sakes. Like I'd be this damn calm if you were dead!"

This was what she called calm? Brenna. That did explain the yelling. I was sure Brenna was fit to be tied, knowing she wasn’t here to kick Stefan too. Difference was, Brenna wouldn't stop, and then we'd be visiting her in jail. I didn’t need or want that, so I was glad she wasn’t here. I did miss the hell out of her, though.


I heard her exhale, as if she'd been holding her breath this whole time. I promised to keep her in the loop, but I also didn't want to ruin her and Mara's honeymoon.

"Don't Brenna me, you sneaky little kitten! Not once have you messaged me an SOS. I'm over the damn moon you're okay, but I also want to spank the living shit out of you! Don't get me started on what I want to do to that slimy dick licker!"

I could only imagine. I also heard Abel in the background talking about how he wanted to be in on the spanking throuple. The guy was a hot mess, I swear.

"Brenna, I'm okay. I promise. The dick licker is in cuffs, on his way to jail. I made it out with just a little flesh wound. I love you for caring so much, but you deserved to have a stress free honeymoon."

Then the yelling started.