Page 9 of Sweets of Summer

"We all need a helping hand, once in a while. Don't worry about me; I could give two shits what those chatty Kathys have to say about me. Honestly, I think it's comical. Mrs. Daughtry is the worst of the bunch, so any time I pass her, I give her my most seductive wink and throw a few spirit fingers her way. Freaks her the fuck out, every damn time. She knows she wants me, and someday I'll break her down. On that note, did you just sniff me, sweets?"

He was definitely Abel's friend. The two of them together were a riot. It was like they enjoyed making people uncomfortable, and it was a sight to see, unless you were in the crosshairs. Like now. I just shrugged at his sniffing comment. I couldn’t deny it, so why bother?

I grabbed my things, giving Dana a hug goodbye as I walked Spencer out. I needed to get my ass in gear, if I was going to get the wedding goodies finished in time. No more feeling sorry for myself because today was a new day and yesterday was forgotten. I’d hired Sam, a teenage girl who came in looking for part time work, to help me out in the shop. She was doing well, and I felt safe enough leaving her on her own for a few hours. It helped me out when I had errands to run or needed time in the back kitchen without having to worry about customers. Plus, Dana was right next door, in case of an emergency.

"Thanks again, for yesterday, Spence. I'm sorry you had to see me like that, but I appreciate you not running for the hills at the sight of a sobbing chick. I owe you for saving me from the birds."

He laughed and grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles. Simmer down, girl, it was just an innocent little kiss. Hell, who was I kidding? If given the chance, I'd probably jump him, right here in the street.

Mercy, I needed to get my hormones in check.

"You don't owe me a thing, sweets. While you seem to be in a giving mood, though, how about a date? With your very own hooligan? What do you say? I promise to have you home, safe and sound, before the witching hour?"

Was I ready to date? Put myself out there again? It wasn't in my plans, but when you met someone that set your soul on fire, how could you deny it? There was something special about Spencer, and I couldn’t lie and say there were no feelings creeping up between us. What the hell. You only lived once, right?

"I'll go on a date with you, kind sir, on one condition. You help me with the wedding prep. Be my sexy little prep boy. Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Spencer tapped his finger on the tip of his nose, like he was deciding if this was a good deal or not. Really? Way to keep a girl in suspense, you ass.

"You drive a hard bargain, sweets, but you have yourself a deal. As long as you and Dana help me make a smash cake for Abel. It'll be my gag gift to him and myself. It'll probably be my only chance to smash something in his face without repercussions. Okay, there still might be repercussions, but I'm willing to take that chance."

Dana would be behind this idea in a heartbeat. She and Abel loved to razz one another. It was like an ongoing prank war, and she was always plotting her next move.

"Sounds like fun and a little bit of trouble. Just remember, Abel never forgets. So be prepared for war, mister. We should probably go on that date first, in case we don't survive this wedding."

What had I gotten myself into?

Chapter 6


Time flew when you were having fun, right? Right!

I had a few trays left to load into the back of the van. We—meaning Cindy and I—had to get our butts to Mara’s and get set up for their nuptials. But first, I needed more coffee. It was only 8:00am, and my ass was dragging worse than a hooker on Sunday morning.

The last month had been this and that. Did they want sweets, did they want savory…needless to say, we decided on a bit of this and that. Since Cindy had the candy and other sweets treats handled, I focused on the charcuterie boards. Slices of every kind of meat I could get from the market. Smoked turkey, honey ham, rotisserie chicken, pepperoni, summer sausages that I cut to make medallions.

Then there were the cheeses: American, cheddar, smoked Gouda, Havarti, pepperjack, and Swiss.

I made croissants and butter rolls along with a soft loaf to cut up for actual sandwiches. I didn’t want to go overboard, yet that’s exactly what I did. It wouldn’t go to waste. We’d pack it up and take whatever Mrs. Elsie wouldn’t be able to eat. She would be staying at Abel and Brenna’s place with Hippie while the newlyweds were off gallivanting around southern Ireland. So, she’d need something to have for snacks or a meal.

I’d promised to check on her and Hippie while they were gone. I knew that dog could be a total nutter and have more energy than an entire cheerleading squad. Elsie was older and may need someone to take the rambunctious pup for a long walk on the beach. Since I did that most nights anyway, I might as well help out and wear his ass out so he’d crash out and let the lady relax.

“Are you ready?” I looked up, seeing Cindy coming through the back door.

“Yes, these are the last trays.”

“Woman, we’re feeding eleven people, not half the state.” She laughed softly and came to take a tray from me. “This means doggie bags though, right?”

“Hell yes…I mean, okay, so I got a little carried away. I couldn’t help it.”

“Baby—oh, hey, Cindy. You ladies ready? We need to go before someone has a conniption fit.”

“Are Mara and Brenna freaking out?” I asked as we hurried out the door.

“It’s not them. Noah has texted me ten times in the last thirty minutes.” His bark of laughter had me grinning.

“Aww, that’s cute,” Cindy said, laughing.