Page 6 of Sweets of Summer

It made me want to be that pushy friend who installed a camera at her door too. She had one inside, that was a bonus of this building, yet the outside wasn’t covered.

As her bestie, even if we hadn’t been friends all of our lives, I wanted to protect her, keep her safe. She was the little sister I’d never had. I’d get to the bottom of it as soon as I could slip away from the shop. It’s not like she could hide from me.

I was double checking my bag when strong arms wrapped around me from behind. Of course he’d choose now, just as I was ready to walk out the door, to strike.

“If you make me late, you’re coming in to help me prep this morning…” I grumped half-heartedly. There was absolutely no heat in my words, and he knew it.

His warm lips brushed against the side of my neck—it was almost enough to make me say to hell with it and go back to bed.

Then he ruined my serene, I wanna be a bad girl today moment, by being a smart ass.

“Lacey comes in this morning; it’s Tuesday, right? Stay a little longer, let her handle the shop.”

If he thought… “I’m not throwing that poor girl to the wolves.” The scruff of his beard against my skin…oh the things that did to my body. “Your aunt would skin me if I stressed her child out…” I was not about to do that to the poor girl. Family or not.

Was I stammering? Dammit. He was winning this battle of lust and wills.

“I think she’d be okay, but I get it.” He kissed my neck again.

I didn't get much sleep last night and now… In his defense, my lack of sleep wasn’t his fault. It was hard to sleep without him beside me in bed, keeping me safe. Though some nights, I didn’t sleep because he kept me up.

I liked it when he was here with me best. Don’t get me wrong, I was more than capable of keeping myself safe. You know, have fun, will shoot, and all of that. But with him there, I didn’t have to be the strong one. I didn’t feel the need to be on alert 24/7. Which was still new to me. I’d been alone for so many years… He’d broken that cycle.

Getting up when the alarm went off a half hour ago sucked. Sighing, I had to fight myself to get free of his grip. If I didn’t, this could go south quickly.

I had to remind myself of the customers counting on me this morning. I couldn’t let them down. Better yet, if I didn’t work, I didn’t eat nor could I pay bills.

“You have to work later, go back to bed.” I laughed softly.

“Fine, leave me by myself. Abandon me for the others.”

I turned in his arms and kissed him softly. “I love you. I promise to close early tomorrow and spend the afternoon with you. You’re still off, right?”

“I am,” he said, smiling. “Dinner and a movie?” His smile melted me completely. We both loved our impromptu date nights.

“Yes. You pick the movie this time. I can either grab something from Moe’s on my way home, or we can make dinner here, whichever you want.”

I could see the wheels turning as his eyes lit up. “Burgers and fries from Moe’s?” I nodded as he continued. “What about Taken? It’s been a long while since we’ve watched that.” He was all smiles now.

“I’ll take a dose of Liam Neeson…anyway, anytime,” I teased.

His eyes narrowed as he leaned in and captured my mouth. The kiss was hot enough to peel the paint from the entryway walls. Or my clothes from my body if I didn’t stay strong.

I wasn’t sure how long we stood there making out in the foyer before I pulled back, breathing heavily at first. Jesus, what was it that I was doing before he showed up? Oh yeah…work.

If I didn’t get out of here now, the shop would be closed for the day. He had to be at work in a few hours anyway. He protected the people of this town. In order to do that, he needed sleep.

I pulled away, scooping up my bag like it was a shield from his sexiness and tossing it over my shoulder. “Go to bed. I’ll send a text when I get to work. I love you.”

“I love you too, gorgeous. I’ll go to bed once I get that text.”

“Okay. There is a breakfast casserole in the fridge. So you can actually eat before you leave for work today.”

“Yes, ma’am, now get before I think better of letting you leave me.”

I left. I knew my man well. I knew myself too. I could never say no to him for very long. And I had a lot to get prepped and into the ovens. We had a special order for this afternoon as well. That was a chore all on its own.

I hurried to my car and climbed in. I had twenty minutes to get to the shop, get inside, and get the coffee going. I was going to need all the caffeine I could get today.