Page 21 of Sweets of Summer

"Are you sure this is what you want, sweets? Once I have you, you're mine, and I don't share. Do you understand?"

"I don't share either, so at least we agree on that."

Spencer grabbed my hair roughly, tilting my head back, and began to attack my lips. I didn’t mind one bit. Hell, I welcomed it. I now knew the difference between love and hate when it came to touching. I also knew Spencer wasn't going to be a vanilla lover when his body screamed alpha.

"You taste like strawberries."

Yeah, well, that's because I may have dipped into the fruit that Dana brought over. Now I was hungry again. Was it weird that I was thinking about fruit while Spencer was kissing the hell out of me? Add a little whipped cream to those abs of his, and we'd have a whole other situation on our hands. Licking whipped cream off Spencer's hot as sin abs? Sign me the fuck up!

Spencer stopped kissing me, and I thought I was going to die. Suddenly, he spun me around, planting my hands on my prep table. Leaving his hands over mine for a minute, he demanded, "Leave your hands on the table. They come off the table, and I stop what I'm doing. Understand, sweets?"

Was it hot in here? Or was it just me? Spencer must have read my mind because he pushed my skirt down to my knees, along with my panties. All I wanted to do right now was touch him. Damn his rules! He noticed my fingers getting twitchy and spanked my ass. Hard.

"That's your only warning. Plant those hands on the counter, and don't move them, or I stop."

Pressing my hands to the cold steel table, Spencer pushed a finger inside me, while lightly biting my ass cheeks. God was most definitely testing my patience and ability to not move a muscle. It felt like I was going to explode, and I desperately needed more.

"More, Spencer. For all that's sinful, please!"

Begging must have worked because I heard the zipper of his pants, and he entered me from behind. His pace was slow and steady, and without warning, it picked up. Fast and furious. Thank you, baby Jesus. My hands began to sweat, moving with each thrust he gave, and my orgasm was about to take over my entire body. The euphoric feeling of sex was the ultimate high, when it was with someone who gave a damn.

Spencer was unlike any guy I'd ever been with. Rough around the edges but would take a bullet for the ones he loved. I was not assuming we were at the love part yet, but I thought it was right around the corner. At least for me. Did I really think I was falling in love with him? Yes, yes I did. Damn, it felt good to say it, even if I was the only one hearing it right now.

"I love you too, sweets."

Spencer thrust a few more times, and we both orgasmed together. He laid his head on my back, and we just breathed. I guess saying those little words wasn't just in my thoughts. He’d said it back. Was he just in the moment, or did he really mean what he said? He moved, and I heard him zipping back up. I stayed frozen in place and felt extremely awkward. If I ruined what we had going, I was going to shoot myself in the foot. Better yet, I'd let Abel do it, seeing how Spencer was his best friend. I knew I was probably making it out to be bigger than it really was. That's my thing. I was an over-thinker, and it caused me a butt load of unnecessary stress.

I felt a warm rag being used on my back and lower parts, and it jolted me out of my manic thoughts. Spencer cleaned me up, then helped me to stand, since my legs still felt like jello jigglers. He grabbed my waist and lifted me up onto the counter. The clean counter. Not the one that had just been tainted with sweat and sex. In case you were wondering.

"Before you start analyzing what I said, yes, Cin, I meant it. I fucking love you. You're my girl, and you have been since the day I first saw you. You just didn't know it yet. You were so shy and kept to yourself, besides talking to the gang. Even then, you kept your walls up. Now? You're a fucking fierce as shit woman. A woman who I'm so honored to call mine. If you'll have me?"

I was trying not to cry at his beautiful words. He’d just called me fierce, so crying like a baby wouldn't be too kosher. Stefan stripped me of everything, and I felt like I was slowly getting it all back. It hasn't been easy, but it's been worth it. All the tears I'd cried, and all the nights I'd laid awake wondering if and when Stefan was going to strike? Gone. I saw who he really was now. A lonely, piece of shit, coward.

"Of course, I'll have you, you big dummy! Thank you for giving me my life back. All of you. I never thought in my wildest dreams, I'd have friends that I could call family. I love all of you for giving me that. I didn't want to drag anyone into my mess of a past, but I'm beyond grateful that you guys have had my back. I don't think I could've done it alone. I just need you to understand that Stefan may be quiet right now, but he doesn't give up that easily."

I gave him a big, wet, sloppy kiss as we laughed about what life's brought to our door. My nightmares turned into wonderful dreams, and Spencer played a big part in that. Just as we were about to get hot and heavy again, I heard the swinging of the kitchen door and saw Dana walk in. When I put the closed sign up, I must have forgotten to lock the door.

"What in the name of tainted chocolates did I just walk into? Y'all better disinfect these table tops before you poison the children with dirty chocolates. The poor children."

Dana shook her head at us in disappointment. Fake disappointment because that little wench was smiling her mischievous smile. The one that showed me that she was happy for me, and I loved her for it. She was the one who pushed me to give Spencer a shot, and it took a lot of convincing, but she was right. He wasn’t Stefan and never would be.

"Hush, you. Did you just come over to bust my balls, or do you have something else to say? Don't worry, the children will be just fine, you weirdo!"

Spencer and Dana were now both laughing at me. Yes, my face was a little red. Yours would be too, if you were almost caught in the act of fornicating where you made candy. By your best friend, nonetheless.

"First of all, I didn't know I was going to get a peep show when I came over. Second, you left the front door unlocked, dumbass. Third, I actually do have a reason for dropping by. There was a Stefan spotting in town, and I wanted to warn you. He's over at Henrietta's cafe. Nich was on his lunch break and spotted him through the front window. The guy's got some fucking nerve!"

Did he really think he could just waltz into town, knowing me and my friends were now aware of him? I guess so. Just like him to think he was untouchable. Until now, he actually had been. Well, he's got another thing coming. He made my life hell, and now I wanted to repay the favor. Only seemed fair, right? Eye for an eye, and I'd like to stab him with a fork through that eye of his. Or a dull ass butter knife. I wasn’t picky.

I looked at Spencer, and he had a worried look on his face. As he should. I was pissed off, and it felt good. I'd rather be pissed than scared. Yes, I wasn’t completely over my fear of Stefan, and probably never would be. That shit stained your mind and heart forever. At least I had backup this time around.

"You guys want to get breakfast at Henrietta's? I'm feeling hangry in a big way."

Dana high-fived me, while Spencer rubbed his face with his hands. He knew me and Dana were a force to be reckoned with, and he'd been thrown into the middle of our chaos. Welcome to my life, sweetheart.

Chapter 12
