Page 92 of Tattered Obsession

I can't resist any longer; I make a break for the door. I'm not as fast as I was before the accident, and Lucas's gunshot wound still smarts. Sienna's on me before I can even consider the lack of lock, shoving me away from the door as she whips her pistol around at me. I grab hold of the barrel with one hand and the handle of the gun with the other—just like Liam showed me—but disarming someone is easier than it looks… especially someone in high heels. Sienna slams her stiletto down on my instep just as I raise my knee to strike her in the stomach. Pain ricochets all the way up my leg, and I drop to my knees, eyes watering.

"You smart-mouthed little bitch," Sienna spits, her eyes flashing. "You just ruined a perfectly good pair of Louboutins.”

"Fuck your shoes," I fire back. "If you're going to shoot me, you should just get it over with."

"I would if I could, Vivian, believe me." Sienna sits back down, keeping her gun trained on me this time. "Unfortunately for both of us, Lucas doesn't want his little wife getting killed.”

"So youareworking with him." I stagger to my feet, relief washing over me when I'm able to put weight on my foot. Not broken, at least. "Why the hell are you here, Sienna?”

Sienna opens her mouth to reply, only to snap it shut again when the front door flies open."Now it's a party," I mutter through gritted teeth as Lucas strides into the room. His right-hand man is at his side, and he pulls his gun the moment he sees Sienna.

Lucas glances from me to her and frowns. "What the fuck are you doing here, Sienna?" he demands. "I told you to meet me at my office—“

"Yes, well, considering what you still owe me," Sienna replies, "I decided to pay you a visit somewhere you can't keep blowing me off.”

"Itoldyou," Lucas says, his jaw clenching, "we'll discuss your boy toy after my father—”

"That wasn't our deal!" Sienna explodes, loudly enough to make us all jump. "You told me your men could get me in touch with Tristan. In your own words!" Her eyes snap over to me as she gestures with her gun. "If this whore and her bodyguard hadn't taken out the men I sent, this wouldn't even be necessary!”

"And since when is that my problem?" Lucas demands, his hand moving toward his own pistol.

"Oh,please," Sienna snaps. "You know exactly why I decided to offer you my help. This isn't over until I can sit Tristan down and have an adult conversation—without this bitch interfering," she adds, nodding at me.

Holy shit, I think, my eyes not leaving her pistol, which she's now waving around like it’s a baton.This woman is not all there.

"Put that down, damn it," Lucas barks, clearly thinking the same thing as I am.

"Not until you get me in contact with him!" Sienna roars. “Where is he?”

In response, Lucas draws his gun and levels it at her. His bodyguard takes a warning step toward Sienna, who whirls around to brandish her pistol at him, outnumbered but seemingly beyond caring. How long has this been going on, I wonder? There’s no time to contemplate it; things are escalating faster than I can keep up. My first instinct is to take cover, but I can almost hear Theo's voice in my ear—level, calm, and cunning—urging me to take advantage of the opportunity in front of me.

So instead of running, I straighten up. "You want to know where Tristan is, Sienna?" I demand, struggling to make myself heard over the sounds of the others shouting over one another. "You want to know why Lucas won't tell you?" I round on my husband, pointing. "It's because he left him for dead when he kidnapped me.”

"Liar!" Lucas roars, pointing his gun my way.

But I don't dare back down now. "He rammed into us on the highway, Sienna," I continue, talking quickly now, my heart racing. "He couldn't give less of a shit about Tristan. He dragged me out of there and abandoned him in the middle of the freeway. He could…” My voice cracks, but I force myself to say it anyway. "He could already be dead by now, for all you know.”

"What's she talking about?" Sienna demands, her eyes narrowing at Lucas.

"How the hell should I know?" he shoots back, gesturing in my direction. "She lost the plot a long time ago.”

Sienna's finger twitches toward the trigger, but I don't miss the way her eyebrows furrow. The gears are turning in her head, and for someone with this short of a fuse, this might be the only chance I have.

"Think about it, Sienna," I urge. "Why would he care what happens to Tristan now? He's got his. Do you really think he'll do anything but turn on you once he takes over for his f—“

"Shut the fuck up, Vivian!" Lucas bellows. "Cut the bullshit, DiMarco," he adds, glancing at Sienna. "You're hysterical.”

"Where's Tristan, then? Huh?" Sienna advances on him, her tone going ice cold. "Where the hell is he, Emmerico? Where's my boyfriend?”

"Fuck you! Did you not just hear me?!”

"Sienna—" I begin.

"I'm not talking to you!" she shouts, swinging her gun in a wide arc.

It's the straw that breaks the camel's back. Lucas's bodyguard, either startled by the sudden movement or just done listening to her shouting, fires a wild shot with a bang loud enough to make my ears ring. It punches a hole in the ceiling, and I hear the faint sounds of screams coming from the apartment above us. Lucas swears, Sienna shrieks, and dust rains down on us, but I couldn't care less.

By the time I hear Lucas shout my name, his voice burning with rage, I'm already halfway down the hall.