Page 81 of Tattered Obsession

He snorts out a breathless chuckle, his blue eyes still on the road. “And you’re an awful lot of trouble for someone who’s been in this business all of a year.”

“Less than a year,” I reply matter-of-factly. “Just imagine what I’ll get up to after my first anniversary.”

“I dread to think,” Tristan says, but his hand tightens around mine just the same, and the gesture speaks louder than words. Suddenly I feel foolish for having ever doubted his feelings toward me—or mine toward him.

“Thank you,” I say quietly.

He glances at me. “For what?”

“For keeping me safe.”

“We’ll fight for you, Vivian,” Tristan replies, his voice suddenly tender, and I don’t need to ask what he’s referring to. “All of us.”

“And I’ll fight for you too,” I reply… and I’m pretty sure I spot the faintest hint of a smile playing on his handsome face. We lapse into silence as we merge onto the highway, and I dare to wonder if we’re actually past the worst of it. If Liam and Theo can just make it out of there in one piece… “It’s funny,” I muse to fill the silence, “last time we were doing this, you’d just bailed me out of the hospital. Now here we are, doing it all over again. If I didn’t know any better—”

But that’s all I can get out before a car peels out of the darkness in front of us, merging off one of the feeder roads on the way out of the city. Even as I’m speaking, alarm bells are going off at the tinted windows and the illegible plates. The alarm turns into pure horror as the car crosses not one, but two lanes of traffic, its headlights blinding as it careens the wrong way down the passing lane. And it’s heading straight for us.

I suck in a breath to scream, but it’s too late to react, even as Tristan wheels to the left in a desperate attempt to get us out of the way. The world is suddenly moving in slow motion again, the same way it did in so many of my dreams… and the same way it did in the moments before Lucas shot me. I’m vaguely aware of Tristan shouting my name, the screeching of brakes, and the high beams flashing in my eyes. Then the car connects with ours with an explosion of glass and a deafening boom.

That’s the last thing I’m aware of before everything goes dark.


The scene is horrific, but nothing that can’t be explained away. A bribe here, a few threats there… that’s all it will take to write this all off as an unfortunate accident, a drunk driver going miles over the speed limit and then abandoning the scene of the crime. Cops are idiots, and he has more important things to worry about… like what his father will say when he brings his daughter-in-law back, for instance—and how long it will take the old bastard to finally kick the bucket.

Lucas Emmerico climbs out of his Escalade and strolls up to the Range Rover. The front of his car is totaled, but in the darkness, that won’t pose much of a problem. As long as it runs, he’s free and clear.

With a grunt, he pulls open the passenger side door. Vivian is unconscious but alive, slumped over the dashboard with her pretty-boy chauffeur in the driver’s seat. He’s bleeding from the head, and judging by the amount, it looks bad.

Good, Lucas thinks. One less interloper to deal with. Who gives a shit, anyway? Sienna can go to hell; he has what he came for, and he’s not here to make sure her precious ex makes it out alive. Soon he’ll run more than just London; he’ll run the entire scene in this fucking place, and he won’t have need of her anymore. If she didn’t see this coming, then she must be stupider than he thought.

Wrapping an arm around his runaway bride’s torso, Lucas hauls her out of the car, careful not to let her feet drag as he scoops her up and carries her back to the Escalade. She lets out a low groan as he pushes her into the back, buckles her in, and climbs back into the driver’s seat.

“Nice to see you again too, Vivian,” Lucas says. “It’s been too long.”

With that, he turns the car around and speeds off into the night, leaving Vivian’s new boyfriend to bleed to death on the road behind them.

Keep readingwith Tattered Vows here…


I’m one of the Emmerico family by marriage, butI'm choosing my own path now...

Theo, Liam and Tristan. They are my family, and I have to escape my husband to get back to them.

After Lucas nearly killed Tristan in the crash, he takes me back to London and uses my family to take more power.

But this time, I'm not letting him get away with it.

Marrying Lucas Emmerico was the worst mistake of my life.

Falling in love with his brother and his best friends saved me.

This is an arranged marriage, mafia, steamy romance with possessive males who won’t give up their girl. Recommended for mature readers only. This is a trilogy and Book Three.


The scene is horrific, but nothing that can’t be explained away. A bribe here, a few threats there… that’s all it will take to write this all off as an unfortunate accident, a drunk driver going miles over the speed limit and then abandoning the scene of the crime. Cops are idiots, and he has more important things to worry about… like what his father will say when he brings his daughter-in-law back, for instance—and how long it will take the old bastard to finally kick the bucket.