Page 57 of Tattered Obsession

I don’t get a chance to ask, because at that exact moment, the sound of a feminine, vaguely amused giggle drifts through the entrance hall. I glance up at Liam in alarm, but he’s already leading me farther into the house, into the kitchen, where a uniformed chef is preparing dinner. We pause by the door as the tell-tale clack of high heels echoes on the living room floor where we just were. “You’ve redone the entryway,” Sienna remarks, sounding disappointed. I steal a glance around the edge of the doorframe just long enough to see her turn to Tristan and drop her purse on the floor like she owns the place. “I liked the old paneling better.”

Tristan doesn’t smile. “I guess it’s a good thing you don’t live here anymore, then.”

“Don’t be like that,” Sienna says, pouting playfully as she advances on him. “You know I was always a sucker for mahogany. And you can’t blame a girl for being curious, can you?” She smiles as if in response to her own question.

“I can if she shows up uninvited,” Tristan replies, crossing his arms over his chest. “What do you want, Sienna?”

“Oh, Tristan,” she says, her voice syrupy-sweet. “Always so stringent about rules. Ironic, coming from a man in your line of work. And speaking of which, you still haven’t told me where your little playmate is.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Theo asks, following along behind Tristan, and my heart stops in my chest when I see his hand inching toward his pistol.

Sienna turns on her stilettos, her eyes still on Tristan as she flaps a manicured hand at Theo. “The famous Vivian Emmerico I’ve been hearing so much about. Rude of you to keep her a secret from me for so long, Tristan. You’ve put me at a disadvantage. I’m almost offended.” She smiles a blindingly white smile. “You didn’t think I wouldn’t find out you stole her away from the hospital in the middle of the night?”

Tristan swears, shaking his head. “Where the hell did you hear that?”

“Through the grapevine,” Sienna replies dismissively. “You’re not the only one with connections, Tristan. Or have you forgotten who my father is?”

“Your father is on my payroll, DiMarco,” Theo interjects. “That doesn’t mean you’re welcome here. You fucking know that.”

Sienna’s smile widens. “And you’re always so charming, as well, Emmerico.”

“I don’t have time for this,” Tristan growls, his voice so cold it sends a shiver down my spine. “Sienna, get out. Whatever it is that you’re after, you won’t find it here.”

“Oh, believe me,” Sienna purrs, creeping closer to him, “I’ve already found exactly what I’m looking for. And from the looks of it, you’re not the only one I’ve found.”

“Sienna,” Theo warns, taking a step closer. The danger is rising in his voice, and I can tell from his body language that he’s thinking the exact same thing I am:

She’d better not be talking about me.

Sienna doesn’t even glance his way. “I’m not interested in you, Theo. What I want to know is where this new girl is...” She flutters her eyelashes at Tristan. “...And whether she’s as good as I am.”

Theo snarls in rage. “You’d better be careful who you say that in front of,” he tells her. “You’re damn fucking lucky she’s not here.”

I close my eyes in relief, a fresh surge of love going through me. Always so fast on his feet, Theo Emmerico.

“Is that so?” Sienna folds her hands behind her back. “And just where might she be, then?”

“A safe house along the coast,” Tristan says. “She’s under twenty-four-hour guard. No one gets to her, not until Lucas is out of the way.”

“No one?” Sienna repeats, her eyebrows raised. “Except, of course, for you, I presume. You know, if you wanted a toy, Tristan, you could’ve just asked. I would’ve gladly given it to you. But then again, I suppose it’s easier to play with if the strings aren’t attached. Isn’t that right, Theo?”

“That’s. Enough.” Tristan’s voice is an animalistic growl, enough to make the breath stop in my throat. “Get. The fuck. Out of my house.”

Sienna’s smile falters just the slightest bit. “Is that any way to treat an old friend?”

“We’re not friends,” Tristan states emphatically. “You lost that privilege a long time ago.”

“Oh, come on, babe,” Sienna pleads, her calm demeanor wavering. “Don’t be like that. You don’t think we could have fun together again, like old times? I’m bored, really. I miss you.” She moves closer. “We’re a lot alike, you and me.”

“Don’t call me that.” Tristan stares down at her in silent rage. “We’re over, Sienna. Now leave—for good this time. Final warning. Or do I need to have the guards remove you?”

And just like that, the coy seductress is gone, and in her place is a snarling, spitting viper. Her eyes flash with rage, her face going bright red. I shrink back against Liam without conscious thought. “Don’t you dare threaten me,” Sienna spits. “Don’t you fucking threaten me, do you understand? You don’t tell me when we’re over, Tristan Archer. Do you hear me?”

Tristan takes a step back, putting his hands in his pockets, and says, “No, Sienna. I don’t.” Then he jerks his chin to one of the guards, who immediately grabs Sienna’s arm and pulls her toward the door, stooping just long enough to pick up her discarded purse.

Sienna shrieks. “How dare—get your fucking hands off me! Tristan, don’t you dare throw me out!” Her heels clatter on the floor as she struggles to stay rooted to the spot. “This isn’t over, Tristan! Do you hear me? We’re not over! I love you! My father—”

But that’s the last thing I catch before her protests turn into curses, which go silent a moment later as the front door slams.