Page 12 of Tattered Obsession

I narrow my eyes and lean back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest. “Seems like you all are enjoying yourselves well enough for the both of us.”

“Oh, come on,” he grins, flashing his too-white teeth. “We’re just looking for a little bit of fun. All of us. You and your friend, or you and me...” He licks his lips, and I have to resist the urge to throw the rest of my beer in his face.

“We’re not interested,” Callie tells him brusquely.

The guy takes a step closer, his shadow falling over the table. “You sure about that?”

“Not just sure,” I supply, holding up my left hand. “Married.”

“Always fucking married, aren’t they?” he mutters, taking a sip of his beer. “What about you?” he asks, turning to Callie. “You as much of a killjoy as your friend here?”

“She already told you she’s not interested,” I snap at him, emboldened by the beer, as well as a little pissed off. “So why don’t you leave us alone?”

The guy sneers and holds up his hands in a placating gesture. “Just trying to be friendly, yeah?” He nods at Callie. “Tell your friend to loosen up.” Then he’s stalking back toward his group, swaying a little on his feet.

“Asshole,” Callie mutters, but soon we’re back to joking and telling stories. This is why we get along so well: she brings the party, and I’m just along for the ride. And somehow, with the alcohol flowing, I manage to keep from letting anything incriminating slip, even amidst her barrage of pestering about Lucas.

But when the topic of Theo comes up, that’s a different story entirely. “So,” she says, steepling her fingers and giving me a pointed look, “What’s the deal with this Theo guy? I mean, therealdeal.”

It takes all the willpower I have to keep from groaning and giving her chair a kick. “Come on, Callie. There’s no ‘deal.’”

“Really?” she says, her eyebrows rising. “Then why are you blushing?”

“It’s the beer,” I reply quickly, making a mental note never to drink anything stronger than water again. “Seriously, it’s been a weird few days for me. I don’t know what you think you’re seeing, but I can promise you it’s just good, old-fashioned alcohol.”

“Right,” Callie replies, sounding skeptical. “And the fact that he’s waltzing around your apartment in his pajamas while your new husband is away has nothing to do with it?”

I suck in a scandalized breath. “Oh mygod, Callie! I got married yesterday!”

My friend bursts out laughing. “I know, I know. I’m just messing with you.”

“Messing with me?” I reply, raising an eyebrow. “In my drunk and fragile state?”

“Aw, you know you love it.”

I burst out laughing at that as I drink back another swig of beer. “It’s not like it’s a big deal, anyways,” I say as I lower my mug. “It’s not like I’m cheating on Lucas or anything. It’s just... weird, is all.”

“You still haven’t told me what ‘it’ is.”

Ah, yes, now the truth comes out. I sigh. “Lucas may have, ah... sent him to look after me while he’s away on his trip.”

Callie stares at me. “‘Look after you’?” she repeats. “He does realize you’re not five years old, right?”

“Ugh.” I put my face in my hands. “I know. Lucas knows, too. He didn’t exactly consult me on it.”

Callie’s expression goes serious, and I can tell, even through the alcohol, that she’s gearing up for one of her patented hard truths. “Vivian,” she says. “You’re an adult now. You can’t be a child forever. You need to take charge of your own life. Your career. Your family. Lucas. He’s your husband, not your father. He shouldn’t be... what, sending someone to make sure you’re not cheating on him, or something?”

“That’s not it,” I hasten to assure her. “I mean, there’s nothing shady about it.” Another bald-faced lie. I clear my throat. “I think he just doesn’t want me to be alone, that’s all. I’ve never lived by myself before. It’s nice to have another person in the apartment.”

Callie gives me a sly smile. “Is that so? What’s this guy like, anyway? You know, aside from drop-dead gorgeous.”

“He’s... a mystery,” I reply finally.

“In a good way or a bad way?”

I purse my lips, weighing the options, and my mind drifts back to what he said to me this morning in the kitchen. “I’m not sure yet.”

* * *