Page 116 of Tattered Obsession

"More than anything," Tristan agrees.

"Always," Liam concludes.

I cling to their words with everything I have as the doors slide open. Taking a moment to steady myself, I pinch my cheeks for a burst of color, take a deep breath, and step out of the elevator.

Victor Emmerico's old office is the only one on this floor, just as imposing as the building itself. I'm sure Lucas has already set it up in same ostentatious style as our apartment, but right now, his poor design taste is the least of my worries. I hurry to the frosted glass door, and my heart skips a beat when I see the two guards standing on either side, their eyes entirely too sharp.

"What's your business here?" one of them demands, holding out an arm to block the entrance while his other hand goes to his pistol. "Boss isn't taking visitors.”

"I called ahead," I reply. "I'm his wife.”

"The runaway?" The second guard snorts. "I don't think the boss wants to see you.”

"Let her in," comes a muffled voice from behind the door, a voice that's haunted my nightmares every day since our wedding. "Search her first.”

I swallow hard and extend my arms so the first guard can pat me down, adrenaline making my fingers shake. He hesitates at my shoulders, and for a moment I'm sure he's going to find the earpiece, but then he blows out an unimpressed breath and waves me through the door.

"No funny business," is all I get in the way of a warning, and the next thing I know, I'm stepping into Lucas's office. He's standing with his back to me, gazing out the bank of windows that overlook the city, a glass of scotch in one hand. The revulsion that goes through me at the sight of him can't be overstated.

"So," my husband says, "my disloyal wife decides to come crawling back to me. Funny how this happens the day after I take over for my father.”

You didn't take over for him, you murdered him,I want to say, but I bite my tongue. Instead, I lower my gaze and reply, "You've got me there.”

Lucas turns around, his black eyes landing on me. A smirk creeps onto his face. "You always did have a mouth on you, Vivian. I'll give you that. We could have been very happy together, in another life.”

"Fucking asshole," I hear Liam mutter into the earpiece, only to be quieted by Tristan.

"Guess that's just how the cookie crumbles," I reply, spreading my arms.

Lucas takes a sip of his scotch. "You're lucky I'm even letting you show your face here, you know that? After all the shit you've gotten up to, I'd be well within my rights to have you shot dead here and now.”

"But you haven't yet," I point out, my heart racing.

Lucas scowls. "Don't speak too soon. What do you want?”

"To survive," I reply simply, and there's enough truth in it that my voice holds steady. "That's all I've ever wanted, Lucas.”

"Don't," he says, raising a bored hand. "Let's skip the theatrics, Vivian. You're never going to make me believe you've suddenly rethought your feelings for me. Not after fucking around with three men and disobeying me every chance you get.”

"Good," I reply, "because I haven’t rethought my feelings for you.” My lips curl back. “You disgust me, Lucas. But that doesn't mean I haven't rethought our... arrangement." The words are horrible even coming out of my mouth.

Lucas snorts. "Our marriage, you mean?”

"Yes," I reply stiffly. "Our marriage.”

"And what brought this on?" he demands, taking a step closer to me, and it takes everything I have not to flinch.

Stay calm,I remind myself.Stick to the plan."Our relationship was always a transaction, Lucas," I tell him, managing to hold his gaze. "It was never about feelings, and we both know it. It was convenient for our families, and that was it. It could still be convenient now." I swallow as his eyes burn into me, searching for any signs of deception. "That's why I came back," I continue. "I told you that what I want is to survive—and for my family to survive. With you running London, the odds of that happening are slim. I'm doing what I have to do to live another day, and if that means coming back to you, then so be it." I square my shoulders. “Whatever’s necessary, right?”

Lucas watches me for a long beat, setting his glass down. Then he snorts. "Damn, my brother really did a number on you, didn't he? I have to say, if he weren't such a son of a bitch, I might even be impressed." He drifts closer, crossing his bulky arms. "And what about me,darling?" he asks, staring down at me. "What do I get out of all this?”

"For one thing, my father's men stand down," I reply. "Done. Finished. In your pocket. Sure, you'll be able make them stand down eventually either way, but why rack up more deaths if you could gain allies instead?”

Lucas snorts. "And you really think they'll listen toyou?”

From over our heads, there comes a muffled bump. Lucas frowns, his eyes moving toward the ceiling.
